Papers for stringologist (2012)
- GapMis-OMP: Pairwise Short-Read Alignment on Multi-core Architectures.
- Computing a Consensus of Multilabeled Trees.
- Fast Compressed Tries through Path Decompositions.
- Solving the Minimum String Cover Problem.
- The Complexity of Partial Orders.
- The Complexity of Partial Orders.
- ERNE-BS5: aligning BS-treated sequences by multiple hits on a 5-letters alphabet.
- Libgapmis: An ultrafast library for short-read single-gap alignment.
- Multi-pattern Matching with Bidirectional Indexes.
- A Linear Kernel for the Complementary Maximal Strip Recovery Problem.
- An Efficient Linear Pseudo-minimization Algorithm for Aho-Corasick Automata.
- Approximation Algorithms and Hardness Results for Shortest Path Based Graph Orientations.
- Compressed String Dictionary Look-Up with Edit Distance One.
- Computing the Burrows-Wheeler Transform of a String and Its Reverse.
- Computing the Rooted Triplet Distance between Galled Trees by Counting Triangles.
- Constant-Time Word-Size String Matching.
- Cross-Document Pattern Matching.
- Document Listing for Queries with Excluded Pattern.
- Efficient Algorithm for Circular Burrows-Wheeler Transform.
- Efficient Exponential Time Algorithms for Edit Distance between Unordered Trees.
- Efficient Two-Dimensional Pattern Matching with Scaling and Rotation and Higher-Order Interpolation.
- FEMTO: Fast Search of Large Sequence Collections.
- Faster and Simpler Minimal Conflicting Set Identification - (Extended Abstract).
- Finding Longest Common Segments in Protein Structures in Nearly Linear Time.
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Agreement Supertrees.
- Gene Regulation, Protein Networks and Disease: A Computational Perspective.
- Hardness of Longest Common Subsequence for Sequences with Bounded Run-Lengths.
- Impact of the Energy Model on the Complexity of RNA Folding with Pseudoknots.
- Least Random Suffix/Prefix Matches in Output-Sensitive Time.
- Local Exact Pattern Matching for Non-fixed RNA Structures.
- Minimum Leaf Removal for Reconciliation: Complexity and Algorithms.
- Near Linear Time Construction of an Approximate Index for All Maximum Consecutive Sub-sums of a Sequence.
- On Approximating String Selection Problems with Outliers.
- On the Closest String via Rank Distance.
- Partitioning into Colorful Components by Minimum Edge Deletions.
- Pattern Matching in Multiple Streams.
- Simple and Efficient LZW-Compressed Multiple Pattern Matching.
- Speeding Up q-Gram Mining on Grammar-Based Compressed Texts.
- The Complexity of String Partitioning.
- The Maximum Number of Squares in a Tree.
- The Parameterized Complexity of the Shared Center Problem.
- Time-Space Trade-Offs for Longest Common Extensions.
- Towards an Optimal Space-and-Query-Time Index for Top-k Document Retrieval.
- Wavelet Trees for All.
- A Cuckoo Hashing Variant with Improved Memory Utilization and Insertion Time.
- Adaptive Context Tree Weighting.
- Compressed Dynamic Binary Relations.
- Differentially Encoded Search Trees.
- Fast Construction of Nearly-Optimal Prefix Codes without Probability Sorting.
- Fast Insertion and Deletion in Compressed Texts.
- Gipfeli - High Speed Compression Algorithm.
- Mixing Strategies in Data Compression.
- Slashing the Time for BWT Inversion.
- Fine and Wilf’s Theorem for k-Abelian Periods.
- Pseudoperiodic Words.
- Squares in Binary Partial Words.
- General Algorithms for Mining Closed Flexible Patterns under Various Equivalence Relations.
- Efficient Communication Protocols for Deciding Edit Distance.
- New Lower and Upper Bounds for Representing Sequences.
- Succinct Data Structures for Path Queries.
- Succinct Posets.
- Fast Relative Lempel-Ziv Self-index for Similar Sequences.
- On-Line Indexing for General Alphabets via Predecessor Queries on Subsets of an Ordered List.
- CRAM: Compressed Random Access Memory.
- De-amortizing Binary Search Trees.
- Faster Fully Compressed Pattern Matching by Recompression.
- Succinct Indices for Range Queries with Applications to Orthogonal Range Maxima.
- A Framework for Succinct Labeled Ordinal Trees over Large Alphabets.
- A General Method for Improving Insertion-Based Adaptive Sorting.
- An Improved Algorithm for Static 3D Dominance Reporting in the Pointer Machine.
- Computing the Longest Common Subsequence of Two Run-Length Encoded Strings.
- Efficient Counting of Square Substrings in a Tree.
- Finger Search in the Implicit Model.
- A Sequential Recursive Implementation of Dead-Zone Single Keyword Pattern Matching.
- Border Array for Structural Strings.
- Computing a Longest Common Palindromic Subsequence.
- Indexing Highly Repetitive Collections.
- Range Extremum Queries.
- A Faster Grammar-Based Self-index.
- Longest Common Extensions via Fingerprinting.
- Forbidden Patterns.
- Indexed Multi-pattern Matching.
- Abelian Pattern Avoidance in Partial Words.
- Computing Lempel-Ziv Factorization Online.
- Fine and Wilf’s Theorem and Pseudo-repetitions.
- How to Reconstruct a Genome.
- Branch Mispredictions Don’t Affect Mergesort.
- Dynamizing Succinct Tree Representations.
- Fast, Small, Simple Rank/Select on Bitmaps.
- Space Efficient Modifications to Structator - A Fast Index-Based Search Tool for RNA Sequence-Structure Patterns.
- Space-Efficient Top-k Document Retrieval.
- A linear time algorithm for seeds computation.
- Fully persistent B-trees.
- I/O-efficient data structures for colored range and prefix reporting.
- Top-k document retrieval in optimal time and linear space.
- Using hashing to solve the dictionary problem.
- Computing q-Gram Non-overlapping Frequencies on SLP Compressed Texts.
- A Study on Novelty Evaluation in Biomedical Information Retrieval.
- A Zipf-Like Distant Supervision Approach for Multi-document Summarization Using Wikinews Articles.
- Active Microbloggers: Identifying Influencers, Leaders and Discussers in Microblogging Networks.
- Approximate Function Matching under δ- and γ- Distances.
- Approximate Period Detection and Correction.
- Basic Word Completion and Prediction for Hebrew.
- Characterization and Extraction of Irredundant Tandem Motifs.
- Clustering Heterogeneous Data with Mutual Semi-supervision.
- Collection Ranking and Selection for Federated Entity Search.
- Compressed Representation of Web and Social Networks via Dense Subgraphs.
- Compressed Suffix Trees for Repetitive Texts.
- Computing Discriminating and Generic Words.
- Computing Maximum Number of Runs in Strings.
- Computing the Maximal-Exponent Repeats of an Overlap-Free String in Linear Time.
- Configurations and Minority in the String Consensus Problem.
- Dual-Sorted Inverted Lists in Practice.
- Eager XPath Evaluation over XML Streams.
- Efficient Bubble Enumeration in Directed Graphs.
- Efficient Data Structures for the Factor Periodicity Problem.
- Efficient LZ78 Factorization of Grammar Compressed Text.
- Experiments on Pseudo Relevance Feedback Using Graph Random Walks.
- Fast Multiple String Matching Using Streaming SIMD Extensions Technology.
- Faster Algorithm for Computing the Edit Distance between SLP-Compressed Strings.
- Grammar Precompression Speeds Up Burrows-Wheeler Compression.
- Impact of Regionalization on Performance of Web Search Engine Result Caches.
- Improved Address-Calculation Coding of Integer Arrays.
- Improved Grammar-Based Compressed Indexes.
- Method of Mining Subtopics Using Dependency Structure and Anchor Texts.
- Parallel Suffix Array Construction for Shared Memory Architectures.
- Parikh Matching in the Streaming Model.
- Position-Aligned Translation Model for Citation Recommendation.
- Ranked Document Retrieval in (Almost) No Space.
- Relevance Feedback Method Based on Vector Space Basis Change.
- Semantic Document Representation: Do It with Wikification.
- Smaller Self-indexes for Natural Language.
- Space-Efficient Computation of Maximal and Supermaximal Repeats in Genome Sequences.
- Temporal Web Image Retrieval.
- The Longest Common Subsequence Problem with Crossing-Free Arc-Annotated Sequences.
- The Position Heap of a Trie.
- The Wavelet Matrix.
- Usage Data in Web Search: Benefits and Limitations.
- Variable-Length Codes for Space-Efficient Grammar-Based Compression.
- Linear-Space Data Structures for Range Mode Query in Arrays.
- Tying up the loose ends in fully LZW-compressed pattern matching.
- Strict fibonacci heaps.
- Tight lower bounds for the online labeling problem.
- A Fast Algorithm for Permutation Pattern Matching Based on Alternating Runs.
- Linear-Space Data Structures for Range Minority Query in Arrays.
- Sorted Range Reporting.
- String Indexing for Patterns with Wildcards.
- A Computational Framework for Determining Square-maximal Strings.
- A Multiobjective Approach to the Weighted Longest Common Subsequence Problem.
- An Efficient Parallel Determinisation Algorithm for Finite-state Automata.
- BlastGraph: Intensive Approximate Pattern Matching in Sequence Graphs and de-Bruijn Graphs.
- Correctness-by-Construction in Stringology.
- Failure Deterministic Finite Automata.
- LZW Data Compression on Large Scale and Extreme Distributed Systems.
- New and Efficient Approaches to the Quasiperiodic Characterisation of a String.
- Quasi-linear Time Computation of the Abelian Periods of a Word.
- Similarity Based Deduplication with Small Data Chunks.
- The Number of Cubes in Sturmian Words.
- Comparing DNA Sequence Collections by Direct Comparison of Compressed Text Indexes.
- Distributed String Mining for High-Throughput Sequencing Data.
- Space-Efficient and Exact de Bruijn Graph Representation Based on a Bloom Filter.
- Succinct de Bruijn Graphs.
- Linear Time Inference of Strings from Cover Arrays Using a Binary Alphabet - (Extended Abstract).
ACM Comput. Surv. 2012
- A comparison of index-based lempel-Ziv LZ77 factorization algorithms.
ACM Trans. Algorithms 2012
- Succinct ordinal trees based on tree covering.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 2012
- Word-based self-indexes for natural language text.
Algorithmica 2012
- Fast Arc-Annotated Subsequence Matching in Linear Space.
- Lightweight Data Indexing and Compression in External Memory.
- Stronger Lempel-Ziv Based Compressed Text Indexing.
- Succinct Representation of Labeled Graphs.
Algorithms 2012
- A Note on Sequence Prediction over Large Alphabets.
- An Online Algorithm for Lightweight Grammar-Based Compression.
CoRR 2012
- (Really) Tight bounds for dispatching binary methods
- A Bijective String Sorting Transform
- A Fast Algorithm for Permutation Pattern Matching Based on Alternating Runs
- A New Algorithm for Data Compression Optimization
- A Note on Efficient Computation of All Abelian Periods in a String
- A memory versus compression ratio trade-off in PPM via compressed context modeling
- A refined Quicksort asymptotic
- Adaptive Techniques to find Optimal Planar Boxes
- Algorithms for Computing Abelian Periods of Words
- Algorithms for discovering and proving theorems about permutation patterns.
- An Entertaining Example for the Usage of Bitwise Operations in Programming
- Approximate pattern matching with k-mismatches in packed text
- BIN@ERN: Binary-Ternary Compressing Data Coding
- Better Space Bounds for Parameterized Range Majority and Minority
- Binary Jumbled String Matching: Faster Indexing in Less Space
- Bouma2 - A Quasi-Stateless, Tunable Multiple String-Match Algorithm
- Compact Binary Relation Representations with Rich Functionality
- Comparison of Bucket Sort and RADIX Sort
- Computing Lempel-Ziv Factorization Online
- Counting common substrings effectively
- Cross-Document Pattern Matching
- Data Structure Lower Bounds on Random Access to Grammar-Compressed Strings
- Deterministic Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Designing Short DNA Words
- Distance Measures for Sequences
- Efficient Algorithms for Finding Tucker Patterns
- Efficient LZ78 factorization of grammar compressed text
- Efficient algorithms for highly compressed data: The Word Problem in Generalized Higman Groups is in P
- Fast Packed String Matching for Short Patterns
- Fast algorithm finding the shortest reset words
- Faster Compact Top-k Document Retrieval
- Grammar-Based Construction of Indexes for Binary Jumbled Pattern Matching
- Improved in-place associative integer sorting
- Improving Compressed Counting
- In-place associative integer sorting
- In-place associative permutation sort
- Large-scale compression of genomic sequence databases with the Burrows-Wheeler transform
- Linear Time Lempel-Ziv Factorization: Simple, Fast, Small
- Linear-Space Substring Range Counting over Polylogarithmic Alphabets
- Lower bounding edit distances between permutations
- Lyndon Words and Short Superstrings
- Memory Efficient De Bruijn Graph Construction
- Necklaces, Convolutions, and X+Y
- New Algorithms for Position Heaps
- New algorithms for binary jumbled pattern matching
- Note on the Greedy Parsing Optimality for Dictionary-Based Text Compression
- On Approximating String Selection Problems with Outliers
- On Optimal Top-K String Retrieval
- On Top-k Search and Range Reporting
- On a New Method of Storing a Variable Size Array
- On the Complexity of Minimum Labeling Alignment of Two Genomes
- On the Value of Multiple Read/Write Streams for Data Compression
- On the combinatorics of suffix arrays
- On-line Indexing for General Alphabets via Predecessor Queries on Subsets of an Ordered List
- Optimal Dynamic Sequence Representations.
- Optimal compression of hash-origin prefix trees
- Pattern Matching in Multiple Streams
- Predecessor search with distance-sensitive query time
- Quasi-Succinct Indices
- Quasiperiodicities in Fibonacci strings
- QuickHeapsort: Modifications and improved analysis
- Ranked Document Retrieval in (Almost) No Space
- Sequential-Access FM-Indexes
- Simpler and Faster Lempel Ziv Factorization
- Simplified, stable parallel merging
- Some Novel Results From Analysis of Move To Front (MTF) List Accessing Algorithm
- Sorted Range Reporting
- Sorting and preimages of pattern classes
- Sorting distinct integer keys using in-place associative sort
- Sorting distinct integers using improved in-place associative sort
- Space-Time Trade-offs for Stack-Based Algorithms
- Sparse Suffix Tree Construction with Small Space
- SparseDTW: A Novel Approach to Speed up Dynamic Time Warping
- Speeding-up $q$-gram mining on grammar-based compressed texts
- Streaming Complexity of Checking Priority Queues
- String Trees
- Succinct Indices for Range Queries with applications to Orthogonal Range Maxima
- Succinct Posets
- TH*:Scalable Distributed Trie Hashing
- The Rightmost Equal-Cost Position Problem
- The Wavelet Trie: Maintaining an Indexed Sequence of Strings in Compressed Space
- Time and Space Efficient Lempel-Ziv Factorization based on Run Length Encoding
- Time-Space Trade-Offs for Longest Common Extensions
Comput. J. 2012
- Boosting Text Compression with Word-Based Statistical Encoding.
- The String-to-Dictionary Matching Problem.
- An Efficient Alignment Algorithm for Searching Simple Pseudoknots over Long Genomic Sequence.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2012
- Practical Efficient String Mining.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci. 2012
- A Fast On-Line Algorithm for the Longest Common Subsequence Problem with Constant Alphabet.
Inf. Comput. 2012
- Bidirectional search in a string with wavelet trees and bidirectional matching statistics.
Inf. Process. Lett. 2012
- An efficient algorithm to test square-freeness of strings compressed by straight-line programs.
- Computing all subtree repeats in ordered trees.
Inf. Process. Manag. 2012
- Bidirectional delta files.
Inf. Retr. 2012
- Implicit indexing of natural language text by reorganizing bytecodes.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 2012
- Finding Characteristic Substrings from Compressed Texts.
- Parallel Algorithms for Mapping Short degenerate and Weighted DNA Sequences to a Reference genome.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2012
- Ultra-succinct representation of ordered trees with applications.
J. Discrete Algorithms 2012
- An algorithm for mapping short reads to a dynamically changing genomic sequence.
- Dictionary-symbolwise flexible parsing.
- On left and right seeds of a string.
- String matching with alphabet sampling.
- Tree template matching in ranked ordered trees by pushdown automata.
- Worst-case efficient single and multiple string matching on packed texts in the word-RAM model.
SIAM J. Comput. 2012
- An Optimal Dynamic Data Structure for Stabbing-Semigroup Queries.
Softw. Pract. Exp. 2012
- Revisiting bounded context block-sorting transformations.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 2012
- LRM-Trees: Compressed indices, adaptive sorting, and compressed permutations.
- New algorithms on wavelet trees and applications to information retrieval.
- String matching with variable length gaps.
- Succinct representations of permutations and functions.
Theory Comput. Syst. 2012
- Faster Approximate String Matching for Short Patterns.