Papers for stringologist (2014)
- Multi-Pivot Quicksort: Theory and Experiments.
- Top-k Substring Matching for Auto-Completion.
- A really Simple Approximation of Smallest Grammar.
- An Improved Query Time for Succinct Dynamic Dictionary Matching.
- Approximate On-line Palindrome Recognition, and Applications.
- Approximate String Matching Using a Bidirectional Index.
- Compactness-Preserving Mapping on Trees.
- Compressed Subsequence Matching and Packed Tree Coloring.
- Computing Minimal and Maximal Suffixes of a Substring Revisited.
- Computing Palindromic Factorizations and Palindromic Covers On-line.
- Computing k-th Lyndon Word and Decoding Lexicographically Minimal de Bruijn Sequence.
- Dictionary Matching with One Gap.
- Efficient Algorithms for Shortest Partial Seeds in Words.
- Encodings for Range Majority Queries.
- From Indexing Data Structures to de Bruijn Graphs.
- Indexed Geometric Jumbled Pattern Matching.
- Most Recent Match Queries in On-Line Suffix Trees.
- On Combinatorial Generation of Prefix Normal Words.
- On Hardness of Several String Indexing Problems.
- On the DCJ Median Problem.
- On the Efficiency of the Hamming C-Centerstring Problems.
- Order-Preserving Pattern Matching with k Mismatches.
- Parameterized Complexity Analysis for the Closest String with Wildcards Problem.
- Permuted Scaled Matching.
- Randomized and Parameterized Algorithms for the Closest String Problem.
- Reversal Distances for Strings with Few Blocks or Small Alphabets.
- Searching of Gapped Repeats and Subrepetitions in a Word.
- Shortest Unique Substring Query Revisited.
- String Range Matching.
- The Worst Case Complexity of Maximum Parsimony.
- A Practical Implementation of Compressed Suffix Arrays with Applications to Self-Indexing.
- Adaptive Dictionary Sharing Method for Re-Pair Algorithm.
- Alignment Free Sequence Similarity with Bounded Hamming Distance.
- Better Compression through Better List Update Algorithms.
- Boosting the Compression of Rewriting on Flash Memory.
- Combining Deduplication and Delta Compression to Achieve Low-Overhead Data Reduction on Backup Datasets.
- Compressing Sets and Multisets of Sequences.
- Compressing Similar Biological Sequences Using FM-Index.
- Compression Schemes for Similarity Queries.
- Direct Access to Variable-to-Fixed Length Codes with a Succinct Index.
- Entropy Reduction Using Context Transformations.
- Fast Fully-Compressed Suffix Trees.
- Fully Online Grammar Compression in Constant Space.
- Hybrid Compression of Bitvectors for the FM-Index.
- Information Profiles for DNA Pattern Discovery.
- Interleaved K2-Tree: Indexing and Navigating Ternary Relations.
- LZ-Compressed String Dictionaries.
- Lempel-Ziv Parsing in External Memory.
- Relative Lempel-Ziv with Constant-Time Random Access.
- Space Efficient Linear Time Lempel-Ziv Factorization for Small Alphabets.
- Towards Markup-Aware Text Compression.
- Universal Text Preprocessing and Postprocessing for PPM Using Alphabet Adjustment.
- On k-Abelian Palindromic Rich and Poor Words.
- k-Abelian Pattern Matching.
- Amortized Bounds for Dynamic Orthogonal Range Reporting.
- Bicriteria Data Compression: Efficient and Usable.
- Document Retrieval on Repetitive Collections.
- Equivalence between Priority Queues and Sorting in External Memory.
- Sublinear Space Algorithms for the Longest Common Substring Problem.
- The Batched Predecessor Problem in External Memory.
- Weighted Ancestors in Suffix Trees.
- Dynamic Integer Sets with Optimal Rank, Select, and Predecessor Search.
- The Dyck Language Edit Distance Problem in Near-Linear Time.
- Asymptotically Optimal Encodings for Range Selection.
- MemZip: Exploring unconventional benefits from memory compression.
- Deterministic Rectangle Enclosure and Offline Dominance Reporting on the RAM.
- On Hardness of Jumbled Indexing.
- Depth-First Search Using O(n) Bits.
- Hashing and Indexing: Succinct DataStructures and Smoothed Analysis.
- The Power and Limitations of Static Binary Search Trees with Lazy Finger.
- Top- k Term-Proximity in Succinct Space.
- A Suffix Tree Or Not a Suffix Tree?
- Computing Primitively-Rooted Squares and Runs in Partial Words.
- Fast and Simple Computations Using Prefix Tables Under Hamming and Edit Distance.
- Finding Ambiguous Patterns on Grammar Compressed String.
- Biased Predecessor Search.
- LZ77-Based Self-indexing with Faster Pattern Matching.
- Multiply Balanced k -Partitioning.
- Quad-K-d Trees.
- Hypertext Searching - A Survey.
- Universal Lyndon Words.
- Document Retrieval with One Wildcard.
- Inferring Strings from Lyndon Factorization.
- Approximate Online Matching of Circular Strings.
- DenseZDD: A Compact and Fast Index for Families of Sets.
- Efficient Representation for Online Suffix Tree Construction.
- Efficient Wavelet Tree Construction and Querying for Multicore Architectures.
- Faster Compressed Suffix Trees for Repetitive Text Collections.
- From Theory to Practice: Plug and Play with Succinct Data Structures.
- Improved ESP-index: A Practical Self-index for Highly Repetitive Texts.
- Improved and Extended Locating Functionality on Compressed Suffix Arrays.
- LCP Array Construction in External Memory.
- Order-Preserving Matching with Filtration.
- Retrieval and Perfect Hashing Using Fingerprinting.
- Dynamic List of Clusters in Secondary Memory.
- Bicriteria data compression.
- Concurrent Range Reporting in Two-Dimensional Space.
- Finding small patterns in permutations in linear time.
- Near-optimal labeling schemes for nearest common ancestors.
- Selection and Sorting in the “Restore” Model.
- Shortest Unique Substrings Queries in Optimal Time.
- A 3-Approximation Algorithm for the Multiple Spliced Alignment Problem and Its Application to the Gene Prediction Task.
- A Compressed Suffix-Array Strategy for Temporal-Graph Indexing.
- Algorithms for Jumbled Indexing, Jumbled Border and Jumbled Square on Run-Length Encoded Strings.
- Alphabet-Independent Algorithms for Finding Context-Sensitive Repeats in Linear Time.
- Context-Aware Deal Size Prediction.
- Efficient Compressed Indexing for Approximate Top-k String Retrieval.
- Efficient Indexing and Representation of Web Access Logs.
- Fast Construction of Wavelet Trees.
- Grammar Compressed Sequences with Rank/Select Support.
- I/O-Efficient Dictionary Search with One Edit Error.
- Improved Filters for the Approximate Suffix-Prefix Overlap Problem.
- Indexed Matching Statistics and Shortest Unique Substrings.
- Information-Theoretic Term Selection for New Item Recommendation.
- K 2-Treaps: Range Top-k Queries in Compact Space.
- On the String Consensus Problem and the Manhattan Sequence Consensus Problem.
- Online Multiple Palindrome Pattern Matching.
- Online Pattern Matching for String Edit Distance with Moves.
- Order Preserving Prefix Tables.
- Performance Improvements for Search Systems Using an Integrated Cache of Lists+Intersections.
- Relative FM-Indexes.
- Relative Lempel-Ziv with Constant-Time Random Access.
- Sequence Decision Diagrams.
- Shortest Unique Queries on Strings.
- Simple and Efficient String Algorithms for Query Suggestion Metrics Computation.
- Strategic Pattern Search in Factor-Compressed Text.
- Succinct Indexes for Reporting Discriminating and Generic Words.
- Data-Oblivious Data Structures.
- Faster Compact On-Line Lempel-Ziv Factorization.
- Faster Sparse Suffix Sorting.
- Space-Efficient String Indexing for Wildcard Pattern Matching.
- Testing Generalised Freeness of Words.
- Weighted Coloring in Trees.
- Linear time construction of compressed text indices in compact space.
- Zig-zag sort: a simple deterministic data-oblivious sorting algorithm running in O(n log n) time.
- B-slack Trees: Space Efficient B-Trees.
- Colored Range Searching in Linear Space.
- Expected Linear Time Sorting for Word Size Ω(log2 n loglogn).
- Ranked Document Selection.
- A Process-Oriented Implementation of Brzozowski’s DFA Construction Algorithm.
- Alternative Algorithms for Lyndon Factorization.
- Approximation of Greedy Algorithms for Max-ATSP, Maximal Compression, Maximal Cycle Cover, and Shortest Cyclic Cover of Strings.
- Closed Factorization.
- Computing Abelian Covers and Abelian Runs.
- Efficient Online Abelian Pattern Matching in Strings by Simulating Reactive Multi-Automata.
- Fast Regular Expression Matching Based On Dual Glushkov NFA.
- Improved Two-Way Bit-parallel Search.
- Metric Preserving Dense SIFT Compression.
- Multiple Pattern Matching Revisited.
- New Tabulation and Sparse Dynamic Programming Based Techniques for Sequence Similarity Problems.
- On the Number of Distinct Squares.
- Random Access to Fibonacci Codes.
- Reducing Squares in Suffix Arrays.
- Speeding up Compressed Matching with SBNDM2.
- Threshold Approximate Matching in Grammar-Compressed Strings.
- Two Simple Full-Text Indexes Based on the Suffix Array.
- Two Squares Canonical Factorization.
- Using Correctness-by-Construction to Derive Dead-zone Algorithms.
- Simple Balanced Binary Search Trees.
- Constructing String Graphs in External Memory.
- Manifold de Bruijn Graphs.
- Alignment with Non-overlapping Inversions on Two Strings.
ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics 2014
- General Document Retrieval in Compact Space.
- Locally Compressed Suffix Arrays.
ACM Trans. Algorithms 2014
- Alphabet-Independent Compressed Text Indexing.
- Fully Functional Static and Dynamic Succinct Trees.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 2014
- XXS: Efficient XPath Evaluation on Compressed XML Documents.
Algorithmica 2014
- A Framework for Succinct Labeled Ordinal Trees over Large Alphabets.
- Efficient Fully-Compressed Sequence Representations.
- Substring Range Reporting.
Algorithms 2014
- High-Order Entropy Compressed Bit Vectors with Rank/Select.
Algorithms Mol. Biol. 2014
- Fast algorithms for approximate circular string matching.
- Optimal computation of all tandem repeats in a weighted sequence.
- Linear-time computation of minimal absent words using suffix array.
CoRR 2014
- $LCSk$++: Practical similarity metric for long strings.
- A Comparative Study on String Matching Algorithm of Biological Sequences.
- A Fast String Matching Algorithm Based on Lowlight Characters in the Pattern.
- A Parameterized Study of Maximum Generalized Pattern Matching Problems.
- A Subquadratic Algorithm for Minimum Palindromic Factorization.
- A Suffix Tree Or Not A Suffix Tree?
- A massively parallel algorithm for constructing the BWT of large string sets.
- A new characterization of maximal repetitions by Lyndon trees.
- A note on multipivot Quicksort.
- A note on the largest number of red nodes in red-black trees.
- A really simple approximation of smallest grammar.
- ARC Sort: Enhanced and Time Efficient Sorting Algorithm.
- Algorithms in the Ultra-Wide Word Model.
- Alternative Algorithms for Lyndon Factorization.
- Analysis of Branch Misses in Quicksort.
- Analysis of Pivot Sampling in Dual-Pivot Quicksort.
- Analysis of String Sorting using Heapsort.
- Approximating solution structure of the Weighted Sentence Alignment problem.
- Average-Case Optimal Approximate Circular String Matching.
- Binary Jumbled Pattern Matching via All-Pairs Shortest Paths.
- Building a Balanced k-d Tree in O(kn log n) Time.
- Combining pattern-based CRFs and weighted context-free grammars.
- Compact Indexes for Flexible Top-k Retrieval.
- Compact Subsequence Matching and Packed Tree Coloring.
- Compression of high throughput sequencing data with probabilistic de Bruijn graph.
- Compressive Mining: Fast and Optimal Data Mining in the Compressed Domain.
- Computing Covers Using Prefix Tables.
- Constructing String Graphs in External Memory.
- Constructing small tree grammars and small circuits for formulas.
- Covering Problems for Partial Words and for Indeterminate Strings.
- Data Compaction - Compression without Decompression.
- Dictionary Matching with One Gap.
- Disk-based genome sequencing data compression.
- Document Counting in Practice.
- Document Retrieval on Repetitive Collections.
- Dynamic Partial Sorting.
- Efficient Compressed Wavelet Trees over Large Alphabets.
- Efficient Representation for Online Suffix Tree Construction.
- Efficient and Compact Representations of Prefix Codes.
- Encodings of Range Maximum-Sum Segment Queries and Applications.
- Engineering Parallel String Sorting.
- Fast Algorithm for Partial Covers in Words.
- Fast construction of FM-index for long sequence reads.
- Faster Compressed Quadtrees.
- Faster Language Edit Distance, Connection to All-pairs Shortest Paths and Related Problems.
- Faster Sorting Networks for $17$, $19$ and $20$ Inputs.
- Fewer runs than word length.
- Fibonacci Heaps Revisited.
- Fully Online Grammar Compression in Constant Space.
- Fusion Tree Sorting.
- GCD Computation of n Integers.
- GPU-Accelerated BWT Construction for Large Collection of Short Reads.
- How Fast Can We Multiply Large Integers on an Actual Computer?
- How inefficient can a sort algorithm be?
- Improved ESP-index: a practical self-index for highly repetitive texts.
- Integer Set Compression and Statistical Modeling.
- Introduction to Dynamic Unary Encoding.
- Kernelization lower bound for Permutation Pattern Matching.
- Lempel-Ziv Factorization May Be Harder Than Computing All Runs.
- Linear time construction of compressed text indices in compact space.
- Linear-time Computation of Minimal Absent Words Using Suffix Array.
- Longest Common Extensions in Trees.
- Longest Common Subsequence in k-length substrings.
- Longest common substrings with k mismatches.
- Mathematical Programming Strategies for Solving the Minimum Common String Partition Problem.
- Most Recent Match Queries in On-Line Suffix Trees (with appendix).
- Multilevel polynomial partitions and simplified range searching.
- Multiple pattern matching revisited.
- Normal, Abby Normal, Prefix Normal.
- On Combinatorial Generation of Prefix Normal Words.
- On Hardness of Jumbled Indexing.
- On the Average-case Complexity of Pattern Matching with Wildcards.
- On the representation of de Bruijn graphs.
- Online Pattern Matching for String Edit Distance with Moves.
- Online Repetition Detection With Backtracking.
- Online Square Detection.
- Optimal Encodings for Range Majority Queries.
- Optimal Encodings for Range Min-Max and Top-k.
- Optimal Time Random Access to Grammar-Compressed Strings in Small Space.
- Parallel Wavelet Tree Construction.
- Path algebra algorithm for finding longest increasing subsequence.
- Pattern Matching and Local Alignment for RNA Structures.
- PivotCompress: Compression by Sorting.
- Practical Massively Parallel Sorting - Basic Algorithmic Ideas.
- Quantum pattern matching fast on average.
- Queries on LZ-Bounded Encodings.
- Rank, select and access in grammar-compressed strings.
- Reusing an FM-index.
- Run-Length Encoded Nondeterministic KMP and Suffix Automata.
- Sampling the suffix array with minimizers.
- Searching and Indexing Genomic Databases via Kernelization.
- Space-Efficient String Indexing for Wildcard Pattern Matching.
- String Reconstruction from Substring Compositions.
- Strong inapproximability of the shortest reset word.
- Sublinear Space Algorithms for the Longest Common Substring Problem.
- Suffix Arrays for Spaced-SNP Databases.
- The Level Ancestor Problem in Practice.
- The LevelArray: A Fast, Practical Long-Lived Renaming Algorithm.
- Tight tradeoffs for approximating palindromes in streams.
- Towards Tight Lower Bounds for Range Reporting on the RAM.
- Twenty-Five Comparators is Optimal when Sorting Nine Inputs (and Twenty-Nine for Ten).
- Two simple full-text indexes based on the suffix array.
- Variable-Order de Bruijn Graphs.
- Wavelet Trees Meet Suffix Trees.
- Weighted ancestors in suffix trees.
- Zig-zag Sort: A Simple Deterministic Data-Oblivious Sorting Algorithm Running in O(n log n) Time.
Comput. Geom. 2014
- Space efficient data structures for dynamic orthogonal range counting.
Discret. Appl. Math. 2014
- A d-step approach to the maximum number of distinct squares and runs in strings.
- A hybrid algorithm for the DNA sequencing problem.
- A set-covering based heuristic algorithm for the periodic vehicle routing problem.
- Algorithms for computing Abelian periods of words.
- Algorithms for nesting with defects.
- An ILP-refined tabu search for the Directed Profitable Rural Postman Problem.
- Antichains and completely separating systems - A catalogue and applications.
- Asymptotically optimal algorithms for geometric Max TSP and Max m-PSP.
- Average number of occurrences of repetitions in a necklace.
- Computing the number of cubic runs in standard Sturmian words.
- Counting unique-sink orientations.
- Cycle-aware minimization of acyclic deterministic finite-state automata.
- Editorial.
- Essential points of the n-cube subset partitioning characterisation.
- Improving deduplication techniques by accelerating remainder calculations.
- Improving heuristics for network modularity maximization using an exact algorithm.
- Inferring strings from suffix trees and links on a binary alphabet.
- Investigating the b-chromatic number of bipartite graphs by using the bicomplement.
- Lower and upper bounds for the Bin Packing Problem with Fragile Objects.
- Morphisms for resistive electrical networks.
- New simple efficient algorithms computing powers and runs in strings.
- On defensive alliances and strong global offensive alliances.
- On the minimum size of 4-uniform hypergraphs without property B.
- Partition into almost straight trails.
- Polynomial-time algorithms for special cases of the maximum confluent flow problem.
- Practical fixed length Lempel-Ziv coding.
- Preface.
- Rime: Repeat identification.
- Scheduling arc maintenance jobs in a network to maximize total flow over time.
- Simple tree pattern matching for trees in the prefix bar notation.
- String matching with lookahead.
- Stringology algorithms.
- Text searching allowing for inversions and translocations of factors.
- Tight and simple Web graph compression for forward and reverse neighbor queries.
- Tilted Sperner families.
- Triple arrays and related designs.
- Unital designs with blocking sets.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2014
- Large-Scale Pattern Search Using Reduced-Space On-Disk Suffix Arrays.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2014
- Range LCP.
J. Discrete Algorithms 2014
- A subquadratic algorithm for minimum palindromic factorization.
- Cross-document pattern matching.
- Multi-pattern matching with bidirectional indexes.
- Simple and efficient LZW-compressed multiple pattern matching.
- Simple, compact and robust approximate string dictionary.
- Time-space trade-offs for longest common extensions.
- Wavelet trees for all.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 2014
- Compressed representations for web and social graphs.
Parallel Comput. 2014
- Distributed text search using suffix arrays.
SIAM J. Comput. 2014
- Optimal Dynamic Sequence Representations.
Softw. Pract. Exp. 2014
- Optimized succinct data structures for massive data.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 2014
- Closest periodic vectors in Lp spaces.
- Compact q-gram profiling of compressed strings.
- Detecting approximate periodic patterns.
- Extending alignments with k-mismatches and ℓ-gaps.
- Fast relative Lempel-Ziv self-index for similar sequences.
- Less space: Indexing for queries with wildcards.
- New space/time tradeoffs for top-k document retrieval on sequences.
- Order-preserving matching.
- Towards optimal packed string matching.
Theory Comput. Syst. 2014
- String Indexing for Patterns with Wildcards.
- Validating the Knuth-Morris-Pratt Failure Function, Fast and Online.