Papers for stringologist (2017)
- CSA++: Fast Pattern Search for Large Alphabets.
- Compact Dynamic Rewritable (CDRW) Arrays.
- Elias-Fano meets Single-Term Top-k Document Retrieval.
- Engineering External Memory Induced Suffix Sorting.
- Engineering a Distributed Full-Text Index.
- Faster Algorithms for 1-Mappability of a Sequence.
- Efficient Enumeration of Non-Equivalent Squares in Partial Words with Few Holes.
- A Family of Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Duo-Preservation String Mapping Problem.
- Approximate Cover of Strings.
- Beyond Adjacency Maximization: Scaffold Filling for New String Distances.
- Can We Recover the Cover?.
- Clique-Based Lower Bounds for Parsing Tree-Adjoining Grammars.
- Communication and Streaming Complexity of Approximate Pattern Matching.
- Computing All Distinct Squares in Linear Time for Integer Alphabets.
- Deterministic Indexing for Packed Strings.
- Document Listing on Repetitive Collections with Guaranteed Performance.
- Dynamic Elias-Fano Representation.
- Fast and Simple Jumbled Indexing for Binary Run-Length Encoded Strings.
- Faster STR-IC-LCS Computation via RLE.
- From LZ77 to the Run-Length Encoded Burrows-Wheeler Transform, and Back.
- Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization, External Reviewers.
- Gapped Pattern Statistics.
- Lempel-Ziv Compression in a Sliding Window.
- Longest Common Extensions with Recompression.
- On the Weighted Quartet Consensus Problem.
- On-Line Pattern Matching on Similar Texts.
- Optimal Omnitig Listing for Safe and Complete Contig Assembly.
- Palindromic Length in Linear Time.
- Path Queries on Functions.
- Position Heaps for Parameterized Strings.
- Recompression of SLPs.
- Representing the Suffix Tree with the CDAWG.
- Revisiting the Parameterized Complexity of Maximum-Duo Preservation String Mapping.
- Shortest Superstring.
- Synergistic Solutions on MultiSets.
- The Longest Filled Common Subsequence Problem.
- Tight Bounds on the Maximum Number of Shortest Unique Substrings.
- Time-Space Trade-Offs for Lempel-Ziv Compressed Indexing.
- Wheeler Graphs: Variations on a Theme by Burrows and Wheeler.
- Palindromic Decompositions with Gaps and Errors.
- Flexible Indexing of Repetitive Collections.
- A Compact Index for Order-Preserving Pattern Matching.
- A Succinct Data Structure for Multidimensional Orthogonal Range Searching.
- Complementary Contextual Models with FM-Index for DNA Compression.
- Compressed Dynamic Range Majority Data Structures.
- Content Adaptive Embedded Compression.
- Full Compressed Affix Tree Representations.
- Improved Parallel Construction of Wavelet Trees and Rank/Select Structures.
- Improvements on Re-Pair Grammar Compressor.
- LZ-End Parsing in Compressed Space.
- Making Compression Algorithms for Unicode Text.
- Marlin: A High Throughput Variable-to-Fixed Codec Using Plurally Parsable Dictionaries.
- Optimize Genomics Data Compression with Hardware Accelerator.
- Space-Efficient Re-Pair Compression.
- Stabbing Colors in One Dimension.
- Streaming K-Mismatch with Error Correcting and Applications.
- Symmetry-Compressible Graphs.
- On the Number of Rich Words.
- Efficient Computation of Palindromes in Sequences with Uncertainties.
- Efficient Identification of k-Closed Strings.
- A Space-Optimal Grammar Compression.
- An Encoding for Order-Preserving Matching.
- Dynamic Space Efficient Hashing.
- Fast Dynamic Arrays.
- LZ-End Parsing in Linear Time.
- Real-Time Streaming Multi-Pattern Search for Constant Alphabet.
- Minimal Absent Words in a Sliding Window and Applications to On-Line Pattern Matching.
- Fine-Grained Complexity of Analyzing Compressed Data: Quantifying Improvements over Decompress-and-Solve.
- Dynamic Time Warping and Geometric Edit Distance: Breaking the Quadratic Barrier.
- String Inference from Longest-Common-Prefix Array.
- Almost Linear Time Computation of Maximal Repetitions in Run Length Encoded Strings.
- Fast Compressed Self-Indexes with Deterministic Linear-Time Construction.
- On-the-Fly Array Initialization in Less Space.
- Structural Pattern Matching - Succinctly.
- Succinct Color Searching in One Dimension.
- A Faster Implementation of Online Run-Length Burrows-Wheeler Transform.
- Computing Abelian String Regularities Based on RLE.
- How to Answer a Small Batch of RMQs or LCA Queries in Practice.
- Shortest Unique Palindromic Substring Queries in Optimal Time.
- Efficient Pattern Matching in Elastic-Degenerate Texts.
- Integrated Encryption in Dynamic Arithmetic Compression.
- Two-Dimensional Palindromes and Their Properties.
- Binary Search in Graphs Revisited.
- Small-Space LCE Data Structure with Constant-Time Queries.
- The Hardness of Solving Simple Word Equations.
- A Framework of Dynamic Data Structures for String Processing.
- Compression with the tudocomp Framework.
- Engineering External Memory LCP Array Construction: Parallel, In-Place and Large Alphabet.
- Fast and Scalable Minimal Perfect Hashing for Massive Key Sets.
- Online Construction of Wavelet Trees.
- Practical Range Minimum Queries Revisited.
- The Quantile Index - Succinct Self-Index for Top-k Document Retrieval.
- Practical Space-Efficient Data Structures for High-Dimensional Orthogonal Range Searching.
- Scalable Similarity Search for Molecular Descriptors.
- Succinct Quadtrees for Road Data.
- File Maintenance: When in Doubt, Change the Layout!
- Hardness of Permutation Pattern Matching.
- Space-Efficient Construction of Compressed Indexes in Deterministic Linear Time.
- Sparse Suffix Tree Construction in Optimal Time and Space.
- pBWT: Achieving Succinct Data Structures for Parameterized Pattern Matching and Related Problems.
- Computing Longest Single-arm-gapped Palindromes in a String.
- Edit-Distance Between Visibly Pushdown Languages.
- Longest Common Subsequence in at Least k Length Order-Isomorphic Substrings.
- A Self-index on Block Trees.
- Constructing a Consensus Phylogeny from a Leaf-Removal Distance (Extended Abstract).
- Counting Palindromes in Substrings.
- Detecting One-Variable Patterns.
- Distinct Squares in Circular Words.
- Efficient Compression and Indexing of Trajectories.
- Fast Construction of Compressed Web Graphs.
- Fast Label Extraction in the CDAWG.
- Faster Practical Block Compression for Rank/Select Dictionaries.
- Greedy Shortest Common Superstring Approximation in Compact Space.
- LZ78 Compression in Low Main Memory Space.
- Lightweight BWT and LCP Merging via the Gap Algorithm.
- Linear-Size CDAWG: New Repetition-Aware Indexing and Grammar Compression.
- Listing Maximal Independent Sets with Minimal Space and Bounded Delay.
- Longest Common Factor After One Edit Operation.
- Mining Bit-Parallel LCS-length Algorithms.
- On Suffix Tree Breadth.
- On Two LZ78-style Grammars: Compression Bounds and Compressed-Space Computation.
- Optimal Skeleton Huffman Trees.
- Order Preserving Pattern Matching on Trees and DAGs.
- Pattern Matching on Elastic-Degenerate Text with Errors.
- Practical Evaluation of Lempel-Ziv-78 and Lempel-Ziv-Welch Tries.
- Practical Implementation of Space-Efficient Dynamic Keyword Dictionaries.
- Regular Abelian Periods and Longest Common Abelian Factors on Run-Length Encoded Strings.
- Succinct Partial Sums and Fenwick Trees.
- Tight Bounds for Top Tree Compression.
- On Long Words Avoiding Zimin Patterns.
- On the Size of Lempel-Ziv and Lyndon Factorizations.
- Synchronization strings: codes for insertions and deletions approaching the Singleton bound.
- A Family of Exact Pattern Matching Algorithms with Multiple Adjacent Search Windows.
- A Lempel-Ziv-style Compression Method for Repetitive Texts.
- Counting Mismatches with SIMD.
- Dismantling DivSufSort.
- Dynamic Succinct Data Structures and Compressed Random Access Memory.
- Faster Batched Range Minimum Queries.
- Many-MADFAct: Concurrently Constructing MADFAs.
- On Reverse Engineering the Lyndon Tree.
- Online Recognition of Dictionary with One Gap.
- Range Queries Using Huffman Wavelet Trees.
- Regular Expressions with Backreferences Re-examined.
- Speeding Up String Matching by Weak Factor Recognition.
- The Linear Equivalence of the Suffix Array and the Partially Sorted Lyndon Array.
- Trade-offs in Query and Target Indexing for the Selection of Candidates in Protein Homology Searches.
- Optimal Computation of Overabundant Words.
- Rainbowfish: A Succinct Colored de Bruijn Graph Representation.
- Optimal Query Time for Encoding Range Majority.
- A Space-Efficient Algorithm for the Dynamic DFS Problem in Undirected Graphs.
- A de Bruijn Sequence Construction by Concatenating Cycles of the Complemented Cycling Register.
- Burrows-Wheeler Transform and Run-Length Enconding.
- Minimal Forbidden Factors of Circular Words.
ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics 2017
- Practical Compact Indexes for Top-k Document Retrieval.
Algorithmica 2017
- A Framework for Space-Efficient String Kernels.
- Compressed Subsequence Matching and Packed Tree Coloring.
- Efficient Computation of Substring Equivalence Classes with Suffix Arrays.
- Efficient Indexes for Jumbled Pattern Matching with Constant-Sized Alphabet.
- On the Succinct Representation of Equivalence Classes.
- String Powers in Trees.
- Top-k Term-Proximity in Succinct Space.
Algorithms Mol. Biol. 2017
- On avoided words, absent words, and their application to biological sequence analysis.
- A framework for space-efficient read clustering in metagenomic samples.
- Succinct colored de Bruijn graphs.
- emMAW: computing minimal absent words in external memory.
CoRR 2017
- A Faster Implementation of Online Run-Length Burrows-Wheeler Transform.
- A Framework of Dynamic Data Structures for String Processing.
- A Grammar Compression Algorithm based on Induced Suffix Sorting.
- A Separation Between Run-Length SLPs and LZ77.
- A compressed dynamic self-index for highly repetitive text collections.
- A family of approximation algorithms for the maximum duo-preservation string mapping problem.
- A local search 2.917-approximation algorithm for duo-preservation string mapping.
- A succinct data structure for self-indexing ternary relations.
- Alphabet-dependent Parallel Algorithm for Suffix Tree Construction for Pattern Searching.
- Approximation ratio of RePair.
- Assembling sequences of DNA using an on-line algorithm based on DeBruijn graphs.
- At the Roots of Dictionary Compression: String Attractors.
- B-slack trees: Highly Space Efficient B-trees.
- Better Labeling Schemes for Nearest Common Ancestors through Minor-Universal Trees.
- Biased Predecessor Search.
- Bloom Filters, Adaptivity, and the Dictionary Problem.
- Bubble-Flip - A New Generation Algorithm for Prefix Normal Words.
- Cartesian trees and Lyndon trees.
- Closing in on Time and Space Optimal Construction of Compressed Indexes.
- Compaction of Church Numerals for Higher-Order Compression.
- Comparison of LZ77-type Parsings.
- Compressed Indexing with Signature Grammars.
- Compressed Representation of Dynamic Binary Relations with Applications.
- Compression with the tudocomp Framework.
- Computing Abelian regularities on RLE strings.
- Dismantling DivSufSort.
- Distinct Squares in Circular Words.
- Document Listing on Repetitive Collections with Guaranteed Performance.
- Duel and sweep algorithm for order-preserving pattern matching.
- Efficient Compression and Indexing of Trajectories.
- Efficient Dynamic Dictionary Matching with DAWGs and AC-automata.
- Efficient pattern matching in degenerate strings with the Burrows-Wheeler transform.
- Even faster sorting of (not only) integers.
- Exact Mean Computation in Dynamic Time Warping Spaces.
- Exploiting Computation-Friendly Graph Compression Methods.
- FAMOUS: Fast Approximate string Matching using OptimUm search Schemes.
- FMtree: A fast locating algorithm of FM-indexes for genomic data.
- Fast Compressed Self-Indexes with Deterministic Linear-Time Construction.
- Fast Computation of Graph Edit Distance.
- Fast Dynamic Arrays.
- Fast Label Extraction in the CDAWG.
- Fast Locating with the RLBWT.
- Fast and Simple Jumbled Indexing for Binary RLE Strings.
- Fast and Simple Parallel Wavelet Tree and Matrix Construction.
- Faster STR-IC-LCS computation via RLE.
- Faster algorithms for 1-mappability of a sequence.
- Faster batched range minimum queries.
- Faster range minimum queries.
- Faster truncated integer multiplication.
- From LZ77 to the Run-Length Encoded Burrows-Wheeler Transform, and Back.
- Grammar-Based Graph Compression.
- Greedy Shortest Common Superstring Approximation in Compact Space.
- How to answer a small batch of RMQs or LCA queries in practice.
- Hybridizing Non-dominated Sorting Algorithms: Divide-and-Conquer Meets Best Order Sort.
- HyperMinHash: Jaccard index sketching in LogLog space.
- Improved Average Complexity for Comparison-Based Sorting.
- Improved Bounds for Testing Forbidden Order Patterns.
- Improved bounds for testing Dyck languages.
- In-Place Initializable Arrays.
- Indexing Weighted Sequences: Neat and Efficient.
- Inverse Lyndon words and Inverse Lyndon factorizations of words.
- Lempel-Ziv: a “one-bit catastrophe” but not a tragedy.
- Linear-size CDAWG: new repetition-aware indexing and grammar compression.
- Longest common substring with approximately k mismatches.
- Lyndon Array Construction during Burrows-Wheeler Inversion.
- Maximal Unbordered Factors of Random Strings.
- Multiresolution Priority Queues.
- Near-Optimal Compression for the Planar Graph Metric.
- Near-optimal linear decision trees for k-SUM and related problems.
- New Cardinality Estimation Methods for HyperLogLog Sketches.
- New Variants of Pattern Matching with Constants and Variables.
- New cardinality estimation algorithms for HyperLogLog sketches.
- On Two LZ78-style Grammars: Compression Bounds and Compressed-Space Computation.
- On the Decision Tree Complexity of String Matching.
- On-line Assembling Mitochondrial DNA from de novo transcriptome.
- On-the-Fly Array Initialization in Less Space.
- Optimal Computation of Overabundant Words.
- Optimal Time and Space Construction of Suffix Arrays and LCP Arrays for Integer Alphabets.
- Optimal top dag compression.
- Optimal trade-offs for pattern matching with k mismatches.
- Order preserving pattern matching on trees and DAGs.
- Ordered Dags: HypercubeSort.
- Orthogonal Vectors Indexing.
- Palindromic Decompositions with Gaps and Errors.
- Persistent Cache-oblivious Streaming Indexes.
- Position Heaps for Parameterized Strings.
- Practical Evaluation of Lempel-Ziv-78 and Lempel-Ziv-Welch Tries.
- Practical and Effective Re-Pair Compression.
- Probabilistic Analysis of the Dual-Pivot Quicksort “Count”.
- Relations Between Greedy and Bit-Optimal LZ77 Encodings.
- Reoptimization of the Closest Substring Problem under Pattern Length Modification.
- Representing the suffix tree with the CDAWG.
- Run Compressed Rank/Select for Large Alphabets.
- Small-space encoding LCE data structure with constant-time queries.
- Space-Efficient Algorithms for Longest Increasing Subsequence.
- Space-efficient K-MER algorithm for generalized suffix tree.
- Streaming Pattern Matching with d Wildcards.
- Streaming Periodicity with Mismatches.
- String Attractors.
- Succinct Approximate Rank Queries.
- Succinct Partial Sums and Fenwick Trees.
- Text Indexing and Searching in Sublinear Time.
- The Case for Learned Index Structures.
- The Compressed Overlap Index.
- The Hidden Binary Search Tree: A Balanced Rotation-Free Search Tree in the AVL RAM Model.
- The complexity of the Multiple Pattern Matching Problem for random strings.
- The streaming k-mismatch problem.
- Time-Space Trade-Offs for Lempel-Ziv Compressed Indexing.
- Tree Edit Distance Cannot be Computed in Strongly Subcubic Time (unless APSP can).
- Trie Compression for GPU Accelerated Multi-Pattern Matching.
- Truly Sub-cubic Algorithms for Language Edit Distance and RNA Folding via Fast Bounded-Difference Min-Plus Product.
- Twin Sort Technique.
- Whole Genome Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Using Colored de Bruijn Graphs.
- m-Bonsai: a Practical Compact Dynamic Trie.
- Benchmark Dataset for Whole Genome Sequence Compression.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci. 2017
- Packed Compact Tries: A Fast and Efficient Data Structure for Online String Processing.
Inf. Process. Lett. 2017
- Optimal suffix sorting and LCP array construction for constant alphabets.
- Tight lower bounds for the longest common extension problem.
- Two strings at Hamming distance 1 cannot be both quasiperiodic.
Inf. Retr. J. 2017
- Document retrieval on repetitive string collections.
Inf. Syst. 2017
- Compressed representation of dynamic binary relations with applications.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2017
- Fast algorithms for Abelian periods in words and greatest common divisor queries.
- Fingerprints in compressed strings.
J. Discrete Algorithms 2017
- A space efficient direct access data structure.
- A succinct data structure for self-indexing ternary relations.
- Burrows-Wheeler transform and LCP array construction in constant space.
- Grammar compressed sequences with rank/select support.
- Preface - Compact Data Structures.
- Subsequence automata with default transitions.
Math. Comput. Sci. 2017
- Block Graphs in Practice.
- Compressed Spaced Suffix Arrays.
- Engineering a Lightweight External Memory Suffix Array Construction Algorithm.
Math. Struct. Comput. Sci. 2017
- Fast circular dictionary-matching algorithm.
Pattern Recognit. Lett. 2017
- A faster and more accurate heuristic for cyclic edit distance computation.
SIAM J. Comput. 2017
- The “Runs” Theorem.
- Time-Optimal Top-k Document Retrieval.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 2017
- Covering problems for partial words and for indeterminate strings.
- Inducing enhanced suffix arrays for string collections.
- Inferring strings from Lyndon factorization.
- String cadences.
- Wheeler graphs: A framework for BWT-based data structures.