
Papers for stringologist (2024)



  1. Consecutive Occurrences with Distance Constraints.

CPM 2024

  1. A Class of Heuristics for Reducing the Number of BWT-Runs in the String Ordering Problem.
  2. A Data Structure for the Maximum-Sum Segment Problem with Offsets.
  3. Algorithms for Galois Words: Detection, Factorization, and Rotation.
  4. BAT-LZ out of hell.
  5. Closing the Gap: Minimum Space Optimal Time Distance Labeling Scheme for Interval Graphs.
  6. Computing the LCP Array of a Labeled Graph.
  7. Connecting de Bruijn Graphs.
  8. Construction of Sparse Suffix Trees and LCE Indexes in Optimal Time and Space.
  9. Efficient Construction of Long Orientable Sequences.
  10. Exploiting New Properties of String Net Frequency for Efficient Computation.
  11. Faster Sliding Window String Indexing in Streams.
  12. Finding Diverse Strings and Longest Common Subsequences in a Graph.
  13. Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization.
  14. Hairpin Completion Distance Lower Bound.
  15. Internal Pattern Matching in Small Space and Applications.
  16. Maintaining the Size of LZ77 on Semi-Dynamic Strings.
  17. Minimizing the Minimizers via Alphabet Reordering.
  18. Online Context-Free Recognition in OMv Time.
  19. Random Wheeler Automata.
  20. Reconstructing General Matching Graphs.
  21. Searching 2D-Strings for Matching Frames.
  22. Shortest Cover After Edit.
  23. Simplified Tight Bounds for Monotone Minimal Perfect Hashing.
  24. Solving the Minimal Positional Substring Cover Problem in Sublinear Space.
  25. Subsequences with Generalised Gap Constraints: Upper and Lower Complexity Bounds.
  26. The Rational Construction of a Wheeler DFA.
  27. Tight Bounds for Compressing Substring Samples.
  28. Walking on Words.
  29. When Is the Normalized Edit Distance over Non-Uniform Weights a Metric?

EvoStar 2024

  1. A Neural Network Based Guidance for a BRKGA: An Application to the Longest Common Square Subsequence Problem.

FUN 2024

  1. Baba Is Universal.
  2. Snake in Optimal Space and Time.
  3. The Great Textual Hoax: Boosting Sampled String Matching with Fake Samples.

ICCS (5) 2024

  1. Efficient Search Algorithms for the Restricted Longest Common Subsequence Problem.

TAMC 2024

  1. Quantum Path Parallelism: A Circuit-Based Approach to Text Searching.

ACM Trans. Algorithms 2024

  1. Generic Non-recursive Suffix Array Construction.

Algorithmica 2024

  1. Pattern Masking for Dictionary Matching: Theory and Practice.

Algorithms 2024

  1. Computing RF Tree Distance over Succinct Representations.

Inf. Comput. 2024

  1. Constructing and indexing the bijective and extended Burrows-Wheeler transform.

Inf. Syst. 2024

  1. CoCo-trie: Data-aware compression and indexing of strings.

Knowl. Based Syst. 2024

  1. Dynamic-MLCS: Fast searching for dynamic multiple longest common subsequences in sequence stream data.

Theor. Comput. Sci. 2024

  1. Faster space-efficient STR-IC-LCS computation.

VLDB J. 2024

  1. Optimizing RPQs over a compact graph representation.