
ICALP for Stringologist

ICALP 2022

  1. An Optimal-Time RLBWT Construction in BWT-Runs Bounded Space.
  2. Galloping in Fast-Growth Natural Merge Sorts.
  3. Fully Functional Parameterized Suffix Trees in Compact Space.
  4. Improved Approximation Algorithms for Dyck Edit Distance and RNA Folding.
  5. Improved Sublinear-Time Edit Distance for Preprocessed Strings.
  6. Listing, Verifying and Counting Lowest Common Ancestors in DAGs: Algorithms and Fine-Grained Lower Bounds.

ICALP 2021

  1. New Sublinear Algorithms and Lower Bounds for LIS Estimation.
  2. Faster Algorithms for Bounded Tree Edit Distance.
  3. Streaming and Small Space Approximation Algorithms for Edit Distance and Longest Common Subsequence.
  4. Sorting Short Integers.
  5. Analysis of Smooth Heaps and Slim Heaps.
  6. A Linear-Time n0.4-Approximation for Longest Common Subsequence.
  7. Fine-Grained Hardness for Edit Distance to a Fixed Sequence.
  8. An Almost Optimal Edit Distance Oracle.
  9. Optimal-Time Queries on BWT-Runs Compressed Indexes.
  10. Linear Time Runs Over General Ordered Alphabets.
  11. LF Successor: Compact Space Indexing for Order-Isomorphic Pattern Matching.
  12. Improved Approximation for Longest Common Subsequence over Small Alphabets.

ICALP 2020

  1. Space Efficient Construction of Lyndon Arrays in Linear Time.
  2. Dynamic Longest Common Substring in Polylogarithmic Time.

ICALP 2019

  1. Dynamic Ordered Sets with Approximate Queries, Approximate Heaps and Soft Heaps.
  2. Even Faster Elastic-Degenerate String Matching via Fast Matrix Multiplication.

ICALP 2018

  1. Edit Distance between Unrooted Trees in Cubic Time.

ICALP 2017

  1. String Inference from Longest-Common-Prefix Array.
  2. Dynamic Time Warping and Geometric Edit Distance: Breaking the Quadratic Barrier.

ICALP 2016

  1. Data Structure Lower Bounds for Document Indexing Problems.
  2. Towards Tight Lower Bounds for Range Reporting on the RAM.
  3. Approximate Hamming Distance in a Stream.

ICALP 2007

  1. Succinct Ordinal Trees Based on Tree Covering.

ICALP 2005

  1. Towards Optimal Multiple Selection.
  2. The Tree Inclusion Problem: In Optimal Space and Faster.

ICALP 2004

  1. Succinct Representations of Functions.

ICALP 2003

  1. Succinct Representations of Permutations.

ICALP 1982

  1. Heaps on Heaps.