
IWOCA for Stringologist

IWOCA 2022

  1. Practical Space-Efficient Index for Structural Pattern Matching.
  2. Linear Time Construction of Indexable Elastic Founder Graphs.
  3. Computing Longest (Common) Lyndon Subsequences.
  4. Shortest Unique Palindromic Substring Queries in Semi-dynamic Settings.
  5. Space-Efficient B Trees via Load-Balancing.

IWOCA 2021

  1. The Tandem Duplication Distance Problem Is Hard over Bounded Alphabets.

IWOCA 2020

  1. Optimal In-place Algorithms for Basic Graph Problems.

IWOCA 2019

  1. Shortest Unique Palindromic Substring Queries on Run-Length Encoded Strings.
  2. Finding Periods in Cartesian Tree Matching.
  3. Burrows-Wheeler Transform of Words Defined by Morphisms.

IWOCA 2018

  1. An Efficient Representation of Partitions of Integers.
  2. On the Expected Number of Distinct Gapped Palindromic Factors.
  3. LZ-ABT: A Practical Algorithm for α-Balanced Grammar Compression.

IWOCA 2017

  1. Computing Abelian String Regularities Based on RLE.
  2. Shortest Unique Palindromic Substring Queries in Optimal Time.
  3. A Faster Implementation of Online Run-Length Burrows-Wheeler Transform.
  4. How to Answer a Small Batch of RMQs or LCA Queries in Practice.

IWOCA 2016

  1. Packed Compact Tries: A Fast and Efficient Data Structure for Online String Processing.
  2. Finding Gapped Palindromes Online.
  3. Partial Covering Arrays: Algorithms and Asymptotics.

IWOCA 2015

  1. EERTREE: An Efficient Data Structure for Processing Palindromes in Strings.
  2. Computing the BWT and the LCP Array in Constant Space.
  3. Longest Common Extensions in Partial Words.

IWOCA 2014

  1. Computing Primitively-Rooted Squares and Runs in Partial Words.
  2. A Suffix Tree Or Not a Suffix Tree?
  3. Fast and Simple Computations Using Prefix Tables Under Hamming and Edit Distance.

IWOCA 2013

  1. Deciding Representability of Sets of Words of Equal Length in Polynomial Time.
  2. Suffix Tree of Alignment: An Efficient Index for Similar Data.
  3. An Optimal Algorithm for Computing All Subtree Repeats in Trees.
  4. Prefix Table Construction and Conversion.
  5. Motif Matching Using Gapped Patterns.

IWOCA 2012

  1. Indexing Highly Repetitive Collections.
  2. Border Array for Structural Strings.
  3. Range Extremum Queries.
  4. A Sequential Recursive Implementation of Dead-Zone Single Keyword Pattern Matching.
  5. Computing a Longest Common Palindromic Subsequence.

IWOCA 2011

  1. A Unifying Property for Distribution-Sensitive Priority Queues.
  2. Two Constant-Factor-Optimal Realizations of Adaptive Heapsort.
  3. p-Suffix Sorting as Arithmetic Coding.
  4. Parameterized Longest Previous Factor.
  5. Periods in Partial Words: An Algorithm.

IWOCA 2010

  1. Skip Lift: A Probabilistic Alternative to Red-Black Trees.
  2. Minimum Number of Holes in Unavoidable Sets of Partial Words of Size Three.
  3. On the Maximal Sum of Exponents of Runsin a String.
  4. Dictionary-Symbolwise Flexible Parsing.
  5. Worst Case Efficient Single and Multiple String Matching in the RAM Model.

IWOCA 2009

  1. Succinct Representations of Trees.
  2. Minimax Trees in Linear Time with Applications.
  3. LPF Computation Revisited.
  4. Lightweight Parameterized Suffix Array Construction.