LATIN for Stringologist
LATIN 2022
Near-Optimal Search Time in δ-Optimal Space.
String Attractors and Infinite Words.
Elastic-Degenerate String Matching with 1 Error.
Space-Efficient Data Structure for Next/Previous Larger/Smaller Value Queries.
LATIN 2020
On the Collection of Fringe Subtrees in Random Binary Trees.
Towards a Definitive Measure of Repetitiveness.
Batched Predecessor and Sorting with Size-Priced Information in External Memory.
Suffix Trees, DAWGs and CDAWGs for Forward and Backward Tries.
LATIN 2018
Compressed Indexing with Signature Grammars.
On the Approximation Ratio of Lempel-Ziv Parsing.
Property Suffix Array with Applications.
LATIN 2016
Linear-Time Sequence Comparison Using Minimal Absent Words & Applications.
Tree Compression Using String Grammars.
Deterministic Sparse Suffix Sorting on Rewritable Texts.
Bidirectional Variable-Order de Bruijn Graphs.
The Grandmama de Bruijn Sequence for Binary Strings.
Compressing Bounded Degree Graphs.
LATIN 2014
Quad-K-d Trees.
LZ77-Based Self-indexing with Faster Pattern Matching.
Biased Predecessor Search.
Multiply Balanced k -Partitioning.
LATIN 2012
Indexed Multi-pattern Matching.
Forbidden Patterns.
LATIN 2010
Compact Rich-Functional Binary Relation Representations.
Fast Set Intersection and Two-Patterns Matching.
Optimal Succinctness for Range Minimum Queries.
Lightweight Data Indexing and Compression in External Memory.
Sharp Separation and Applications to Exact and Parameterized Algorithms.
LATIN 2008
Fully-Compressed Suffix Trees.
Improved Dynamic Rank-Select Entropy-Bound Structures.
LATIN 2006
Position-Restricted Substring Searching.
LATIN 2004
Rooted Maximum Agreement Supertrees.
Rotation and Lighting Invariant Template Matching.
LATIN 2002
The Level Ancestor Problem Simplified.
A Metric Index for Approximate String Matching.
LATIN 2000
The LCA Problem Revisited.
LATIN 1998
Improved Approximate Pattern Matching on Hypertext.
Fast Two-Dimensional Approximate Pattern Matching