
MFCS for Stringologist

MFCS 2022

  1. Streaming Word Problems.
  2. On Uniformization in the Full Binary Tree.

MFCS 2021

  1. Matching Patterns with Variables Under Hamming Distance.

MFCS 2019

  1. RLE Edit Distance in Near Optimal Time.
  2. From Regular Expression Matching to Parsing.
  3. The Power Word Problem.
  4. Indexing Graph Search Trees and Applications.
  5. Uniform Random Expressions Lack Expressivity.
  6. A Constant-Time Colored Choice Dictionary with Almost Robust Iteration.
  7. Upper Bounds on the Length of Minimal Solutions to Certain Quadratic Word Equations.

MFCS 2018

  1. Fast Entropy-Bounded String Dictionary Look-Up with Mismatches.
  2. Extra Space during Initialization of Succinct Data Structures and Dynamical Initializable Arrays.

MFCS 2017

  1. Binary Search in Graphs Revisited.
  2. Small-Space LCE Data Structure with Constant-Time Queries.
  3. The Hardness of Solving Simple Word Equations.

MFCS 2016

  1. Dividing by Zero - How Bad Is It, Really?.
  2. Fully Dynamic Data Structure for LCE Queries in Compressed Space.
  3. Computing DAWGs and Minimal Absent Words in Linear Time for Integer Alphabets.
  4. Shortest Unique Substring Queries on Run-Length Encoded Strings.

MFCS 2013

  1. Detecting Regularities on Grammar-Compressed Strings.

MFCS 2012

  1. How to Reconstruct a Genome.
  2. Abelian Pattern Avoidance in Partial Words.
  3. Computing Lempel-Ziv Factorization Online.
  4. Fine and Wilf’s Theorem and Pseudo-repetitions.

MFCS 2011

  1. On Minimising Automata with Errors.
  2. Compressed Word Problems for Inverse Monoids.
  3. Periodicity Algorithms for Partial Words.
  4. The Bounded Search Tree Algorithm for the Closest String Problem Has Quadratic Smoothed Complexity.

MFCS 2010

  1. Counting Dependent and Independent Strings.

MFCS 2009

  1. Self-indexed Text Compression Using Straight-Line Programs.

MFCS 2007

  1. Space-Conscious Compression.

MFCS 2006

  1. A Combinatorial Approach to Collapsing Words.

MFCS 2003

  1. Inferring Strings from Graphs and Arrays.

MFCS 2002

  1. Space-Economical Construction of Index Structures for All Suffixes of a String.

MFCS 1999

  1. Invited Lecture: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform: Theory and Practice.

MFCS 1986

  1. Developing Implicit Data Structures.