
SEA for Stringologist

SEA 2022

  1. RLBWT Tricks.
  2. Computing Maximal Unique Matches with the r-Index.

SEA 2021

  1. Engineering Predecessor Data Structures for Dynamic Integer Sets.
  2. Document Retrieval Hacks.

SEA 2020

  1. Pattern Discovery in Colored Strings.
  2. Zipping Segment Trees.
  3. Fast and Simple Compact Hashing via Bucketing.
  4. Fast and Linear-Time String Matching Algorithms Based on the Distances of q-Gram Occurrences.
  5. Indexing Compressed Text: A Tale of Time and Space (Invited Talk).

SEA 2018

  1. Fast matching statistics in small space.
  2. Dictionary Matching in Elastic-Degenerate Texts with Applications in Searching VCF Files On-line.

SEA 2017

  1. Fast and Scalable Minimal Perfect Hashing for Massive Key Sets.
  2. Compression with the tudocomp Framework.
  3. Engineering External Memory LCP Array Construction: Parallel, In-Place and Large Alphabet.
  4. A Framework of Dynamic Data Structures for String Processing.
  5. Practical Range Minimum Queries Revisited.
  6. The Quantile Index - Succinct Self-Index for Top-k Document Retrieval.
  7. Online Construction of Wavelet Trees.

SEA 2016

  1. CHICO: A Compressed Hybrid Index for Repetitive Collections.
  2. Fast Scalable Construction of (Minimal Perfect Hash) Functions.
  3. Worst-Case-Efficient Dynamic Arrays in Practice.
  4. Practical Dynamic Entropy-Compressed Bitvectors with Applications.
  5. Lempel-Ziv Decoding in External Memory.
  6. Practical Variable Length Gap Pattern Matching.

SEA 2015

  1. Parallel Construction of Succinct Trees.
  2. A Bulk-Parallel Priority Queue in External Memory with STXXL.
  3. Huffman Codes versus Augmented Non-Prefix-Free Codes.
  4. Tree Compression with Top Trees Revisited.

SEA 2014

  1. Improved and Extended Locating Functionality on Compressed Suffix Arrays.
  2. DenseZDD: A Compact and Fast Index for Families of Sets.
  3. Efficient Representation for Online Suffix Tree Construction.
  4. From Theory to Practice: Plug and Play with Succinct Data Structures.
  5. Order-Preserving Matching with Filtration.
  6. LCP Array Construction in External Memory.
  7. Approximate Online Matching of Circular Strings.
  8. Faster Compressed Suffix Trees for Repetitive Text Collections.
  9. Improved ESP-index: A Practical Self-index for Highly Repetitive Texts.
  10. Retrieval and Perfect Hashing Using Fingerprinting.
  11. Efficient Wavelet Tree Construction and Querying for Multicore Architectures.

SEA 2013

  1. Lightweight Lempel-Ziv Parsing.
  2. Space-Efficient, High-Performance Rank and Select Structures on Uncompressed Bit Sequences.

SEA 2012

  1. Fast, Small, Simple Rank/Select on Bitmaps.
  2. Space-Efficient Top-k Document Retrieval.
  3. Dynamizing Succinct Tree Representations.
  4. Space Efficient Modifications to Structator - A Fast Index-Based Search Tool for RNA Sequence-Structure Patterns.
  5. Branch Mispredictions Don’t Affect Mergesort.

SEA 2011

  1. Practical Compressed Document Retrieval.
  2. Online Dictionary Matching with Variable-Length Gaps.
  3. Compressed String Dictionaries.
  4. An Empirical Evaluation of Extendible Arrays.

SEA 2010

  1. Practical Compressed Suffix Trees.
  2. Bit-Parallel Search Algorithms for Long Patterns.
  3. Experiments on Union-Find Algorithms for the Disjoint-Set Data Structure.

SEA 2009

  1. An Application of Self-organizing Data Structures to Compression.
  2. Broadword Computing and Fibonacci Code Speed Up Compressed Suffix Arrays.