1: Exact Solution of a Drop-push Model for Percolation
2: A (non)static 0-order statistical model and its implementation for compressing virtually uncompressible data
3: A Codebook Generation Algorithm for Document Image Compression
4: Approximation Algorithms for Covering/Packing Integer Programs
5: On-Line End-to-End Congestion Control
6: On-Line File Caching
7: Data-Collection for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: a Network-Flow Heuristic
8: Randomized Rounding without Solving the Linear Program
9: A Primal-Dual Parallel Approximation Technique Applied to Weighted Set and Vertex Cover
10: Competitive Paging Algorithms
11: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Mixed Packing and Covering
12: Approximating the Minimum Equivalent Digraph
13: Faster Parametric Shortest Path and Minimum Balance Algorithms
14: Orienting Graphs to Optimize Reachability
15: Low-Degree Spanning Trees of Small Weight
16: The K-Server Dual and Loose Competitiveness for Paging
17: Balancing Minimum Spanning and Shortest Path Trees
18: On the Number of Iterations for Dantzig-Wolfe Optimization and Packing-Covering Approximation Algorithms
19: K-Medians, Facility Location, and the Chernoff-Wald Bound
20: Huffman Coding with Letter Costs: A Linear-Time Approximation Scheme
21: Prefix Codes: Equiprobable Words, Unequal Letter Costs
22: A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning Trees
23: Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut