
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2009/4/22-28

1: FastLMFI: An Efficient Approach for Local Maximal Patterns Propagation and Maximal Patterns Superset Checking
2: HybridMiner: Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets Using Hybrid Database Representation Approach
3: Ramp: Fast Frequent Itemset Mining with Efficient Bit-Vector Projection Technique
4: Fast Algorithms for Mining Interesting Frequent Itemsets without Minimum Support
5: Using Association Rules for Better Treatment of Missing Values
6: Introducing Partial Matching Approach in Association Rules for Better Treatment of Missing Values
7: A Subsequence-Histogram Method for Generic Vocabulary Recognition over Deletion Channels
8: On the Complexity of Searching in Trees: Average-case Minimization
9: The h-Index of a Graph and its Application to Dynamic Subgraph Statistics
10: On the Approximability of Geometric and Geographic Generalization and the Min-Max Bin Covering Problem
11: Approximate Triangle Counting
12: On Smoothed Analysis of Quicksort and Hoareā€™s Find
13: Decentralized Coding Algorithms for Distributed Storage in Wireless Sensor Networks
14: Approximation Algorithms for Key Management in Secure Multicast
15: On the Power of Randomization in Algorithmic Mechanism Design