1: Finding Fullerene Patches in Polynomial Time
2: Basis Reduction, and the Complexity of Branch-and-Bound
3: Bounded Delay Packet Scheduling in a Bounded Buffer
4: Untangling the Braid: Finding Outliers in a Set of Streams
5: Duality for Min-Max Orderings and Dichotomy for Min Cost Homomorphisms
6: On Brambles, Grid-Like Minors, and Parameterized Intractability of Monadic Second-Order Logic
7: Fast Searching in Packed Strings
8: Reachability-time games on timed automata
9: A Linear Vertex Kernel for Maximum Internal Spanning Tree
10: A certifying algorithm for 3-colorability of P5-free graphs
11: Web of Lossy Adapters for Interface Interoperability: An Algorithm and NP-completeness of Minimization
12: Interchanging distance and capacity in probabilistic mappings