1: Multi-Objective Geometric Programming Problem Being Cost Coefficients as Continous Function with Weighted Mean Method
2: Improved NSGA-II Based on a Novel Ranking Scheme
3: On constant factor approximation for earth mover distance over doubling metrics
4: Window-Based Greedy Contention Management for Transactional Memory
5: Mergeable Dictionaries
6: Defining and Computing Alternative Routes in Road Networks
7: Deterministic Sample Sort For GPUs
8: Exploring the Limits of GPUs With Parallel Graph Algorithms
9: Threshold rules for online sample selection
10: An O(loglog n)-Competitive Binary Search Tree with Optimal Worst-Case Access Times
11: Multidimensional Divide-and-Conquer and Weighted Digital Sums
12: When LP is the Cure for Your Matching Woes: Approximating Stochastic Matchings