
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2010/5/01-07

1: On the (Im)possibility of Preserving Utility and Privacy in Personalized Social Recommendations
2: On Finding Frequent Patterns in Directed Acyclic Graphs
3: Finite-size scaling in random $K$-satisfiability problems
4: Graph Sparsification by Edge-Connectivity and Random Spanning Trees
5: The Deletable Bloom filter: A new member of the Bloom family
6: Lower Bounds on Near Neighbor Search via Metric Expansion
7: Local algorithms for the maximum flow and minimum cut in bounded-degree networks
8: The B-Skip-List: A Simpler Uniquely Represented Alternative to B-Trees
9: A Linear-time Algorithm for Sparsification of Unweighted Graphs
10: Empowered by Wireless Communication: Self-Organizing Traffic Collectives
11: On Estimating the First Frequency Moment of Data Streams
12: A Kinetic Triangulation Scheme for Moving Points in The Plane
13: Round-Trip Voronoi Diagrams and Doubling Density in Geographic Networks
14: Estimating small moments of data stream in nearly optimal space-time
15: Estimating small frequency moments of data stream: a characteristic function approach
16: A Simple Approach to Error Reconciliation in Quantum Key Distribution