
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2010/6/22-28

1: Dynamic Range Reporting in External Memory
2: Competitive Boolean Function Evaluation: Beyond Monotonicity, and the Symmetric Case
3: Investigating the Performance of an Adiabatic Quantum Optimization Processor
4: Better size estimation for sparse matrix products
5: Prize-collecting Network Design on Planar Graphs
6: Exponential Inapproximability of Selecting a Maximum Volume Sub-matrix
7: Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree and Forest in Planar Graphs
8: Faster Algorithms for Feedback Arc Set Tournament, Kemeny Rank Aggregation and Betweenness Tournament
9: Vertex Sparsifiers and Abstract Rounding Algorithms
10: Vertex Sparsifiers: New Results from Old Techniques
11: Metric Extension Operators, Vertex Sparsifiers and Lipschitz Extendability
12: Evolving Graph Representation and Visualization
13: A new Lenstra-type Algorithm for Quasiconvex Polynomial Integer Minimization with Complexity 2^O(n log n)
14: An Efficient Algorithm For Chinese Postman Walk on Bi-directed de Bruijn Graphs
15: Algorithmic Solutions for Several Offline Constrained Resource Processing and Data Transfer Multicriteria Optimization Problems
16: Mining Top-K Frequent Itemsets Through Progressive Sampling
17: Optimal Trade-Off for Succinct String Indexes