1: A Clustering Coefficient Network Formation Game
2: Using parallel computation to improve Independent Metropolis–Hastings based estimation
3: Algorithmic and Statistical Perspectives on Large-Scale Data Analysis
4: Mapping XML Data to Relational Data: A DOM-Based Approach
5: Fast error-tolerant quartet phylogeny algorithms
6: Inner Product Spaces for MinSum Coordination Mechanisms
7: Submodular problems - approximations and algorithms
8: Transdichotomous Results in Computational Geometry, II: Offline Search
9: On Sensor Network Localization Using SDP Relaxation
10: On Finding Frequent Patterns in Event Sequences
11: On Finding Similar Items in a Stream of Transactions
12: Indexing Finite Language Representation of Population Genotypes
13: Improved Complexity Bound of Vertex Cover for Low degree Graph
14: Improved approximations for robust mincut and shortest path
15: Electrical Flows, Laplacian Systems, and Faster Approximation of Maximum Flow in Undirected Graphs