1: CRAM: Compressed Random Access Memory
2: Grothendieck inequalities for semidefinite programs with rank constraint
3: Finding topological subgraphs is fixed-parameter tractable
4: Asymptotically Optimal Randomized Rumor Spreading
5: A lower bound for the tree-width of planar graphs with vital linkages
6: Online Scheduling on Identical Machines using SRPT
7: Pareto Optimal Solutions for Smoothed Analysts
8: Ergodic Control and Polyhedral approaches to PageRank Optimization
9: Spin-the-bottle Sort and Annealing Sort: Oblivious Sorting via Round-robin Random Comparisons
10: Recursive Sketching For Frequency Moments
11: Rademacher Chaos, Random Eulerian Graphs and The Sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform
12: Efficient K-Nearest Neighbor Join Algorithms for High Dimensional Sparse Data
13: Improved Minimum Cuts and Maximum Flows in Undirected Planar Graphs
14: Distributed Verification and Hardness of Distributed Approximation
15: Stochastic Analysis of a Churn-Tolerant Structured Peer-to-Peer Scheme