
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2010/11/15-21

1: CAT-generation of ideals
2: Worst case efficient single and multiple string matching in the Word-RAM model
3: Counting Colours in Compressed Strings
4: Pattern Kits
5: Program Size and Temperature in Self-Assembly
6: Fast Multiplication of Matrices with Decay
7: Directed Spanners via Flow-Based Linear Programs
8: Optimal Lower Bounds for Universal and Differentially Private Steiner Tree and TSP
9: Magnetic Towers of Hanoi and their Optimal Solutions
10: Non-Orthodox Combinatorial Models Based on Discordant Structures
11: Supervised Random Walks: Predicting and Recommending Links in Social Networks
12: Combinatorial Geometry of Graph Partitioning - I
13: Compressed Transmission of Route Descriptions
14: New Algorithms on Wavelet Trees and Applications to Information Retrieval
15: Random Projections for $k$-means Clustering