
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2010/12/08-14

1: On the approximability and exact algorithms for vector domination and related problems in graphs
2: Considerate Equilibrium
3: Sparser Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transforms
4: Single-Producer/Single-Consumer Queues on Shared Cache Multi-Core Systems
5: Capacitated Vehicle Routing with Non-Uniform Speeds
6: Sublinear Time, Measurement-Optimal, Sparse Recovery For All
7: Transforming a random graph drawing into a Lombardi drawing
8: Covering Cubes and the Closest Vector Problem
9: The Exact String Matching Problem: a Comprehensive Experimental Evaluation
10: Approximating Vertex Cover in Dense Hypergraphs
11: Improved distance queries in planar graphs
12: An Improved Algorithm for Bipartite Correlation Clustering
13: On the size of data structures used in symbolic model checking
14: E = I + T: The internal extent formula for compacted tries
15: The Least Spanning Area of a Knot and the Optimal Bounding Chain Problem