
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2011/1/15-21

1: Dueling Algorithms
2: Approximations for Monotone and Non-monotone Submodular Maximization with Knapsack Constraints
3: Maximizing Non-monotone Submodular Set Functions Subject to Different Constraints: Combined Algorithms
4: Multi-Stage Improved Route Planning Approach: theoretical foundations
5: N-fold integer programming in cubic time
6: Multi-objective Optimization For The Dynamic Multi-Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows
7: Inducing the LCP-Array
8: Clustering Protein Sequences Given the Approximation Stability of the Min-Sum Objective Function
9: Diversification improves interpolation
10: Estimating the Average of a Lipschitz-Continuous Function from One Sample
11: Two Multivehicle Routing Problems with Unit-Time Windows
12: Speedup in the Traveling Repairman Problem with Constrained Time Windows
13: On cooperative patrolling: optimal trajectories, complexity analysis, and approximation algorithms
14: Self-Index Based on LZ77
15: Linear-Space Data Structures for Range Mode Query in Arrays