
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2011/4/22-28

1: Satisfiability of Acyclic and Almost Acyclic CNF Formulas
2: Random input helps searching predecessors
3: The maximum disjoint paths problem on multi-relations social networks
4: Towards a Data Reduction for the Minimum Flip Supertree Problem
5: Determining L(2,1)-Span in Polynomial Space
6: Polynomial Estimators for High Frequency Moments
7: The Entropy Rounding Method in Approximation Algorithms
8: Boolean Equi-propagation for Optimized SAT Encoding
9: Minimum cell connection and separation in line segment arrangements
10: Finding Light Spanners in Bounded Pathwidth Graphs
11: K-Median Clustering, Model-Based Compressive Sensing, and Sparse Recovery for Earth Mover Distance
12: Rounding Semidefinite Programming Hierarchies via Global Correlation
13: Multiple-Source Single-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in O(diameter(star)n(star)log(n)) Time
14: Lasserre Hierarchy, Higher Eigenvalues, and Approximation Schemes for Quadratic Integer Programming with PSD Objectives
15: Min-cuts and Shortest Cycles in Planar Graphs in O(n log log n) Time
16: Computing the Girth of a Planar Graph in Linear Time
17: On the Complexity of Solving a Bivariate Polynomial System
18: Cuckoo Hashing with Pages
19: Nearly Optimal Bounds for Distributed Wireless Scheduling in the SINR Model
20: Linear-Space Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar, Bounded-Genus, and Minor-Free Graphs
21: Parallelism and Time in Hierarchical Self-Assembly
22: A cuckoo hashing variant with improved memory utilization and insertion time