1: Practical and theoretical improvements for bipartite matching using the pseudoflow algorithm
2: Computing Majority with Triple Queries
3: Property Testing for Cyclic Groups and Beyond
4: Practical Verified Computation with Streaming Interactive Proofs
5: Submodular Cost Allocation Problem and Applications
6: Approximation Algorithms for Submodular Multiway Partition
7: Multiple-Source Multiple-Sink Maximum Flow in Directed Planar Graphs in Near-Linear Time
8: LP-Based Approximation Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Path Problems
9: Incremental Cycle Detection, Topological Ordering, and Strong Component Maintenance
10: Diffusion in Social Networks with Competing Products
11: An algorithm for random signed 3-SAT with Intervals
12: Smoothed Performance Guarantees for Local Search
13: Hitting and Harvesting Pumpkins
14: Multibody Multipole Methods