
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2011/8/15-21

1: Fast Approximation Algorithms for Near-optimal Large-scale Network Monitoring
2: Upward Point Set Embeddability for Convex Point Sets is in $P$
3: Phylogenetic mixtures: Concentration of measure in the large-tree limit
4: Gadgets and Anti-Gadgets Leading to a Complexity Dichotomy
5: Randomized Algorithms for Tracking Distributed Count, Frequencies, and Ranks
6: Model for networks of spatial objects and simulation of geographical phenomena propagation
7: SparseAssembler2: Sparse k-mer Graph for Memory Efficient Genome Assembly
8: Information theory: Sources, Dirichlet series, and realistic analyses of data structures
9: The bottleneck 2-connected $k$-Steiner network problem for $k\leq 2$
10: Substring Range Reporting
11: Finding Community Structure with Performance Guarantees in Complex Networks
12: Dynamic Pricing with Limited Supply