
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2011/9/08-14

1: Pattern Matching under Polynomial Transformation
2: Fast Clustering using MapReduce
3: Graph Expansion and Communication Costs of Fast Matrix Multiplication
4: Anomaly Sequences Detection from Logs Based on Compression
5: An Implicit Optimization Approach for Survivable Network Design
6: Deconstructing Approximate Offsets
7: $2^{\log^{1-\eps} n}$ Hardness for Closest Vector Problem with Preprocessing
8: A Learning Theory Approach to Non-Interactive Database Privacy
9: Characterization of Request Sequences for List Accessing Problem and New Theoretical Results for MTF Algorithm
10: A New Proposed Cost Model for List Accessing Problem using Buffering
11: Efficient Minimization of Higher Order Submodular Functions using Monotonic Boolean Functions
12: Lossless data compression on GPGPU architectures
13: Modern hierarchical, agglomerative clustering algorithms
14: A O(1/eps^2)^n Time Sieving Algorithm for Approximate Integer Programming
15: More Compact Oracles for Approximate Distances in Planar Graphs
16: Encoding 2-D Range Maximum Queries
17: Faster Approximate Pattern Matching in Compressed Repetitive Texts
18: Quantum Algorithms of Solving the Backtracking of One-dimensional Cellular Automata
19: Wait-Freedom with Advice