1: Distributed Selfish Load Balancing with Weights and Speeds
2: Local and Dimension Adaptive Sparse Grid Interpolation and Quadrature
3: An efficient algorithm to find a set of nearest elements in a mesh
4: Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Directed Multiway Cut Parameterized by the Size of the Cutset
5: The firefighter problem with more than one firefighter on trees
6: Boolean Satisfiability using Noise Based Logic
7: Algorithms for the strong chromatic index of Halin graphs, distance-hereditary graphs and maximal outerplanar graphs
8: A 2.75-Approximation Algorithm for the Unconstrained Traveling Tournament Problem
9: A Survey of Distributed Data Aggregation Algorithms
10: Encoding and Constructing 1-Nested Phylogenetic Networks with Trinets
11: On Approximability of Block Sorting
12: Wireless Connectivity and Capacity
13: Hierarchies of Inefficient Kernelizability
14: The Query-commit Problem
15: Approximating CSPs with Global Cardinality Constraints Using SDP Hierarchies
16: A Near-Optimal Sublinear-Time Algorithm for Approximating the Minimum Vertex Cover Size
17: Optimal Deadline Scheduling with Commitment
18: On Computing Optimal Locally Gabriel Graphs
19: Efficient Encoding of Watermark Numbers as Reducible Permutation Graphs
20: An efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme for Steiner forest in planar graphs
21: Bayesian Locality Sensitive Hashing for Fast Similarity Search
22: Runtime Guarantees for Regression Problems
23: Polynomial integrality gaps for strong SDP relaxations of Densest k-subgraph
24: Dynamic Clustering of Histogram Data Based on Adaptive Squared Wasserstein Distances