1: A Polylogarithmic-Competitive Algorithm for the k-Server Problem
2: On the strong chromatic index and maximum induced matching of tree-cographs and permutation graphs
3: Regularized Laplacian Estimation and Fast Eigenvector Approximation
4: Voting with Limited Information and Many Alternatives
5: Failure Detectors in Homonymous Distributed Systems (with an Application to Consensus)
6: On the Efficiency of Influence-and-Exploit Strategies for Revenue Maximization under Positive Externalities
7: Towards optimal kernel for connected vertex cover in planar graphs
8: Minimum Latency Submodular Cover
9: Testing perfection is hard
10: String Matching with Variable Length Gaps
11: Randomized Dimensionality Reduction for k-means Clustering
12: Affine solution sets of sparse polynomial systems
13: Telling Two Distributions Apart: a Tight Characterization
14: Mining Patterns in Networks using Homomorphism