
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2011/11/15-21

1: Faster fully compressed pattern matching by recompression
2: Mining Biclusters of Similar Values with Triadic Concept Analysis
3: Cache optimized linear sieve
4: Speed scaling with power down scheduling for agreeable deadlines
5: Fully dynamic recognition of proper circular-arc graphs
6: Computing a visibility polygon using few variables
7: The debts’ clearing problem: a new approach
8: Modular exponentiation of matrices on FPGA-s
9: Large primes in generalized Pascal triangles
10: The Feedback Arc Set Problem with Triangle Inequality is a Vertex Cover Problem
11: Practical Top-K Document Retrieval in Reduced Space
12: Integer Feasibility of Random Polytopes
13: On Strong Graph Partitions and Universal Steiner Trees
14: A weighted message-passing algorithm to estimate volume-related properties of random polytopes