1: k-Gap Interval Graphs
2: Independence of Tabulation-Based Hash Classes
3: Search by quantum walks on two-dimensional grid without amplitude amplification
4: Max-Cut Parameterized Above the Edwards-Erd\H{o}s Bound
5: Approximation Algorithms and Hardness of the k-Route Cut Problem
6: Random construction of interpolating sets for high dimensional integration
7: Root finding with threshold circuits
8: epsilon-Samples of Kernels
9: Approximating Non-Uniform Sparsest Cut via Generalized Spectra
10: Uncommon Suffix Tries
11: Subexponential fixed-parameter tractability of cluster editing
12: Barcoding-free BAC Pooling Enables Combinatorial Selective Sequencing of the Barley Gene Space
13: Complexity and Algorithms for Euler Characteristic of Simplicial Complexes
14: Self-Index based on LZ77 (thesis)
15: Finding D-optimal designs by randomised decomposition and switching