
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2012/4/22-28

1: Improved Balas and Mazzola Linearization for Quadratic 0-1 Programs with Application in a New Cutting Plane Algorithm
2: Succinct Indices for Range Queries with applications to Orthogonal Range Maxima
3: A Polynomial kernel for Proper Interval Vertex Deletion
4: Optimal Orthogonal Graph Drawing with Convex Bend Costs
5: The Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Partition Sort for Negative Binomial Distribution Inputs
6: Smart Sort: Design and Analysis of a Fast, Efficient and Robust Comparison Based Internal Sort Algorithm
7: Obtaining Planarity by Contracting Few Edges
8: A Fast Algorithm for Permutation Pattern Matching Based on Alternating Runs
9: Selection in the Presence of Memory Faults, with Applications to In-place Resilient Sorting
10: Approximate Counting of Matchings in Sparse Uniform Hypergraphs
11: Weakest Preconditions and Cumulative Subgoal Fulfillment: A Comparison
12: Faster Treasure Hunt and Better Strongly Universal Exploration Sequences
13: Understanding Set Cover: Sub-exponential Time Approximations and Lift-and-Project Methods
14: On the Complexity of the Monte Carlo Method for Incremental PageRank
15: Time and Space Efficient Lempel-Ziv Factorization based on Run Length Encoding
16: Rerouting shortest paths in planar graphs
17: Multi-agent Path Planning and Network Flow
18: Optimal Prefix Free Code in Linear Time
19: Geometry of Online Packing Linear Programs
20: A Bicriteria Approximation for the Reordering Buffer Problem
21: Efficient Generation \epsilon-close to G(n,p) and Generalizations
22: Simultaneous Embedding of Planar Graphs
23: Chain Rotations: a New Look at Tree Distance
24: Clustering by hypergraphs and dimensionality of cluster systems
25: MSOL Restricted Contractibility to Planar Graphs
26: Strong Backdoors to Bounded Treewidth SAT
27: Extending partial representations of function graphs and permutation graphs