
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2012/8/01-07

1: Analysis of access in the Take-Grant model
2: Graph Isomorphism for Graph Classes Characterized by two Forbidden Induced Subgraphs
3: Truthful Auction Mechanism for Heterogeneous Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Networks
4: The Complexity of MaxMin Length Triangulation
5: Hamming Approximation of NP Witnesses
6: A Model for Minimizing Active Processor Time
7: The Chaos Within Sudoku
8: Fast Planar Correlation Clustering for Image Segmentation
9: Solving Cyclic Longest Common Subsequence in Quadratic Time
10: Diamond-free Degree Sequences
11: Fast Monotone Summation over Disjoint Sets
12: Efficient Construction of Dominating Set in Wireless Networks
13: Biff (Bloom Filter) Codes : Fast Error Correction for Large Data Sets
14: Efficient Algorithms for Maximum Link Scheduling in Distributed Computing Models with SINR Constraints
15: On fixed-parameter algorithms for Split Vertex Deletion
16: A Polylogarithimic Approximation Algorithm for Edge-Disjoint Paths with Congestion 2