1: Dense Subgraphs on Dynamic Networks
2: Methods of computing deque sortable permutations given complete and incomplete information
3: Fuel Efficient Computation in Passive Self-Assembly
4: Don’t Be Strict in Local Search!
5: On Finding Optimal Polytrees
6: RMR-Efficient Randomized Abortable Mutual Exclusion
7: Self-Organizing Time Map: An Abstraction of Temporal Multivariate Patterns
8: Applying CEGAR to the Petri Net State Equation
9: Structured Recursive Separator Decompositions for Planar Graphs in Linear Time
10: Learning pseudo-Boolean k-DNF and Submodular Functions
11: A Novel Feature-Based Approach to Characterize Algorithm Performance for the Traveling Salesman Problem
12: A New Direction for Counting Perfect Matchings
13: Compressive Sensing with Local Geometric Features
14: Doing More for Less – Cache-Aware Parallel Contraction Hierarchies Preprocessing
15: Near-Optimal Online Algorithms for Dynamic Resource Allocation Problems
16: Caching with rental cost and zapping
17: A Simple Optimum-Time FSSP Algorithm for Multi-Dimensional Cellular Automata
18: Time- and space-efficient evaluation of the complex exponential function using series expansion
19: Adapt or Die: Polynomial Lower Bounds for Non-Adaptive Dynamic Data Structures