
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2012/10/01-07

1: Kernels for (connected) Dominating Set on graphs with Excluded Topological subgraphs
2: Parameterized Complexity of Directed Steiner Tree on Sparse Graphs
3: A fast parallel algorithm for minimum-cost small integral flows
4: Pilot, Rollout and Monte Carlo Tree Search Methods for Job Shop Scheduling
5: On Parallelizing Matrix Multiplication by the Column-Row Method
6: Think Locally, Act Globally: Perfectly Balanced Graph Partitioning
7: Leapfrog Triejoin: a worst-case optimal join algorithm
8: Inference algorithms for pattern-based CRFs on sequence data
9: Triadic Consensus: A Randomized Algorithm for Voting in a Crowd
10: External memory bisimulation reduction of big graphs
11: Learning mixtures of structured distributions over discrete domains
12: Reevaluating Assembly Evaluations with Feature Response Curves: GAGE and Assemblathons
13: Simple, Fast and Deterministic Gossip and Rumor Spreading
14: Computing homology and persistent homology using iterated Morse decomposition
15: Reconstruction of Sparse Circuits Using Multi-neuronal Excitation (RESCUME)
16: Better Space Bounds for Parameterized Range Majority and Minority
17: In-place associative permutation sort
18: Local Search is Better than Random Assignment for Bounded Occurrence Ordering k-CSPs