
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2012/10/08-14

1: The Power of Linear Reconstruction Attacks
2: Automata-based Static Analysis of XML Document Adaptation
3: Protein Inference and Protein Quantification: Two Sides of the Same Coin
4: Sudoku as a special transportation problem
5: Sequence Annotation with HMMs: New Problems and Their Complexity
6: Counting and generating lambda terms
7: Inferring Species Trees from Incongruent Multi-Copy Gene Trees Using the Robinson-Foulds Distance
8: Improved Approximation Lower Bounds for Vertex Cover on Power Law Graphs and Some Generalizations
9: Scheduling Resources for Executing a Partial Set of Jobs
10: Low-distortion Subspace Embeddings in Input-sparsity Time and Applications to Robust Linear Regression
11: On Online Labeling with Polynomially Many Labels
12: Detecting dense communities in large social and information networks with the Core & Peel algorithm
13: Shortest, Fastest, and Foremost Broadcast in Dynamic Networks
14: Pseudo-scheduling: A New Approach to the Broadcast Scheduling Problem
15: An optimized conflict-free replicated set
16: The Power of Non-Uniform Wireless Power
17: A Flexible Mixed Integer Programming framework for Nurse Scheduling