1: Improved upper and lower bounds for the point placement problem
2: Improved Canonical Dual Algorithms for the Maxcut Problem
3: Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Workflow Satisfiability in the Presence of Seniority Constraints
4: Joint Cache Partition and Job Assignment on Multi-Core Processors
5: Getting Feasible Variable Estimates From Infeasible Ones: MRF Local Polytope Study
6: The Recognition of Simple-Triangle Graphs and of Linear-Interval Orders is Polynomial
7: Connect Four and Graph Decomposition
8: Wireless Network Stability in the SINR Model
9: A Simplification of the MV Matching Algorithm and its Proof
10: A PRQ Search Method for Probabilistic Objects
11: Approximation algorithms for energy, reliability and makespan optimization problems
12: Approximating Source Location and Star Survivable Network Problems
13: Dynamic Stochastic Orienteering Problems for Risk-Aware Applications
14: Hokusai - Sketching Streams in Real Time
15: Efficiently Searching for Frustrated Cycles in MAP Inference
16: Efficient MRF Energy Minimization via Adaptive Diminishing Smoothing
17: Single Source - All Sinks Max Flows in Planar Digraphs
18: Sublinear Bounds for Randomized Leader Election
19: Convergence of SDP hierarchies for polynomial optimization on the hypersphere
20: Creating a level playing field for all symbols in a discretization
21: Computation of Jeffrey-Kirwan residue using Gr"obner basis
22: Approximate Maximum Flow on Separable Undirected Graphs
23: Computing cutwidth and pathwidth of semi-complete digraphs via degree orderings
24: LAYERWIDTH: Analysis of a New Metric for Directed Acyclic Graphs
25: Phase Transition of Tractability in Constraint Satisfaction and Bayesian Network Inference
26: Characterizing Properties for Q-Clustering
27: Local Correction with Constant Error Rate
28: Survival Network Design of Doubling Dimension Metrics