1: Optimizing Tile Concentrations to Minimize Errors and Time for DNA Tile Self-Assembly Systems
2: Insertion and Sorting in a Sequence of Numbers Minimizing the Maximum Sum of a Contiguous Subsequence
3: A pair of universal sequence-set betting strategies
4: Proceedings First Workshop on GRAPH Inspection and Traversal Engineering
5: New algorithms for binary jumbled pattern matching
6: A one-bit swap object using test-and-sets and a max register
7: Fast Exact Max-Kernel Search
8: A structural analysis of the A5/1 state transition graph
9: Black-Box Complexity: Breaking the $O(n \log n)$ Barrier of LeadingOnes
10: Advanced Automata Minimization
11: Efficient Inner-product Algorithm for Stabilizer States
12: On solving large scale polynomial convex problems by randomized first-order algorithms
13: Sampling-based proofs of almost-periodicity results and algorithmic applications
14: Schulze and Ranked-Pairs Voting are Fixed-Parameter Tractable to Bribe, Manipulate, and Control