
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2012/12/01-07

1: Exploiting Metric Structure for Efficient Private Query Release
2: Fixed-parameter tractability of satisfying beyond the number of variables
3: Parameterized Study of the Test Cover Problem
4: Approximating Large Frequency Moments with Pick-and-Drop Sampling
5: The Geometry of Differential Privacy: the Sparse and Approximate Cases
6: Random matrix over a DVR and LU factorization
7: Linear Algebra over Z_p[[u]] and related rings
8: Greedy is good: An experimental study on minimum clique cover and maximum independent set problems for randomly generated rectangles
9: The Cost of Address Translation
10: Parameters of Two-Prover-One-Round Game and The Hardness of Connectivity Problems
11: How many vertex locations can be arbitrarily chosen when drawing planar graphs?
12: Maximizing Social Influence in Nearly Optimal Time
13: Two Algorithms for Finding $k$ Shortest Paths of a Weighted Pushdown Automaton
14: A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market
15: The projector algorithm: a simple parallel algorithm for computing Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay graphs
16: An Efficient Simulation Algorithm on Kripke Structures
17: Streaming Balanced Graph Partitioning for Random Graphs
18: The Optimal Mechanism in Differential Privacy
19: Structure and Dynamics of Information Pathways in Online Media
20: Mechanism Design for Fair Division
21: Learning Mixtures of Arbitrary Distributions over Large Discrete Domains
22: The 2-valued case of makespan minimization with assignment constraints