
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2013/1/15-21

1: A DP Approach to Hamiltonian Path Problem
2: Faster Quantum Number Factoring via Circuit Synthesis
3: Approximating Metrics by Tree Metrics of Small Distance-Weighted Average Stretch
4: Eigenstructure of Maximum Likelihood from Counts Data
5: Embedding a balanced binary tree on a bounded point set
6: Many to Many Matching with Demands and Capacities
7: Various improvements to text fingerprinting
8: Kidney Exchange in Dynamic Sparse Heterogenous Pools
9: Combinatorial Optimization in Pattern Assembly
10: Bounds on the Size of Sound Monotone Switching Networks Accepting Permutation Sets of Directed Trees
11: Combinatorial Optimization by Learning and Simulation of Bayesian Networks
12: The Anchors Hierachy: Using the triangle inequality to survive high dimensional data
13: Efficient Identification of Equivalences in Dynamic Graphs and Pedigree Structures
14: Parameterizable Byzantine Broadcast in Loosely Connected Networks
15: Approximating Bin Packing within O(log OPT (star) log log OPT) bins
16: Evolutionary Algorithms and Dynamic Programming
17: Energy-Efficient Scheduling with Time and Processors Eligibility Restrictions
18: Local-Search based Approximation Algorithms for Mobile Facility Location Problems
19: Average-Case Performance of Rollout Algorithms for Knapsack Problems
20: Relay Augmentation for Lifetime Extension of Wireless Sensor Networks
21: A Correlation Clustering Approach to Link Classification in Signed Networks – Full Version –