
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2013/3/22-28

1: Incremental Maintenance for Leapfrog Triejoin
2: Glued trees algorithm under phase damping
3: Bottom-k and Priority Sampling, Set Similarity and Subset Sums with Minimal Independence
4: Novel O(H(N)+N/H(N)) Algorithmic Techniques for Several Types of Queries and Updates on Rooted Trees and Lists
5: Line-Constrained Geometric Server Placement
6: Efficient Online Algorithmic Strategies for Several Two-Player Games with Different or Identical Player Roles
7: Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Number of Queries Necessary to Identify a Permutation
8: A Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Approximating a Sum of Random Variables
9: How to Schedule the Marketing of Products with Negative Externalities
10: New Inapproximability Bounds for TSP
11: Large-Scale Pattern Search Using Reduced-Space On-Disk Suffix Arrays
12: Exploiting Opportunistic Physical Design in Large-scale Data Analytics
13: Improved Lower Bounds for Sum Coloring via Clique Decomposition
14: Dynamic Provisioning in Next-Generation Data Centers with On-site Power Production
15: Latency-Bounded Target Set Selection in Social Networks
16: Parameterized algorithms for the 2-clustering problem with minimum sum and minimum sum of squares objective functions
17: Order-Preserving Suffix Trees and Their Algorithmic Applications
18: Parameterized Approximability of Maximizing the Spread of Influence in Networks