1: Long Circuits and Large Euler Subgraphs
2: Graph isomorphism and adiabatic quantum computing
3: Request Complexity of VNet Topology Extraction: Dictionary-Based Attacks
4: Chain minors are FPT
5: Parameterized Complexity of the Anchored k-Core Problem for Directed Graphs
6: Sliding Bloom Filters
7: Solving the minimum sum coloring problem via binary quadratic programming
8: On Partial Vertex Cover on Bipartite Graphs and Trees
9: Heuristics for the data arrangement problem on regular trees
10: A Competitive Strategy for Distance-Aware Online Shape Allocation
11: Separating Hierarchical and General Hub Labelings
12: Approximation Algorithms for Vehicle Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands on Trees
13: Paging with dynamic memory capacity
14: Spaces, Trees and Colors: The Algorithmic Landscape of Document Retrieval on Sequences
15: How Hard Is It to Control an Election by Breaking Ties?
16: The local-global conjecture for scheduling with non-linear cost
17: On the parameterized complexity of cutting a few vertices from a graph
18: L2/L2-foreach sparse recovery with low risk
19: A O(c^k n) 5-Approximation Algorithm for Treewidth
20: Maximizing Barrier Coverage Lifetime with Mobile Sensors
21: Efficient Algorithms for Approximate Triangle Counting
22: Preventing Unraveling in Social Networks Gets Harder
23: Revisiting Asynchronous Linear Solvers: Provable Convergence Rate Through Randomization
24: Graph Reconstruction via Distance Oracles
25: Fixed-parameter algorithms for minimum cost edge-connectivity augmentation
26: On Semantic Word Cloud Representation
27: Counting approximately-shortest paths in directed acyclic graphs
28: Algebraic Algorithms for b-Matching, Shortest Undirected Paths, and f-Factors
29: Approximation Hardness of Graphic TSP on Cubic Graphs
30: Polynomial Time Algorithm for Min-Ranks of Graphs with Simple Tree Structures
31: The Power and Limitations of Static Binary Search Trees with Lazy Finger
32: Approximating Semi-Matchings in Streaming and in Two-Party Communication
33: Detecting squarefree numbers
34: An LP-based 3/2-approximation algorithm for the graphic s-t path TSP
35: Efficient Lyndon factorization of grammar compressed text
36: Detecting regularities on grammar-compressed strings
37: Power-efficient Assignment of Virtual Machines to Physical Machines
38: Finding Short Paths on Polytopes by the Shadow Vertex Algorithm
39: Web graph compression with fast access
40: NP-Hardness of Speed Scaling with a Sleep State
41: Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Min-Max Selecting Items Problem
42: Counting Hypergraphs in Data Streams