1: The Query Complexity of Correlated Equilibria
2: Repetition-free longest common subsequence of random sequences
3: A Graph Minor Perspective to Multicast Network Coding
4: Tight Kernel Bounds for Problems on Graphs with Small Degeneracy
5: A linear bound on the number of scalarizations needed to solve discrete tricriteria optimization problems
6: Combinatorial optimization problems with uncertain costs and the OWA criterion
7: A Characterization of Approximation Resistance
8: Distributed Minimum Cut Approximation
9: Algorithms of an optimal integer tree labeling
10: Subspace Embeddings and $\ell_p$-Regression Using Exponential Random Variables
11: Showcasing straight-line programs with memory via matrix Bruhat decomposition
12: Memory size bounds of prefix DAGs
13: Tree Decomposition based Steiner Tree Computation over Large Graphs
14: Maximum st-flow in directed planar graphs via shortest paths
15: Optimal Groupon Allocations
16: A Polynomial Time Algorithm for the Hamilton Circuit Problem
17: Integrality gaps for strengthened LP relaxations of Capacitated and Lower-Bounded Facility Location
18: Faster Compact On-Line Lempel-Ziv Factorization
19: Global communication algorithms for Cayley graphs
20: Fractional Pebbling Game Lower Bounds
21: Near-Optimal Truthful Auction Mechanisms in Secondary Spectrum Markets
22: The Complexity of the Proper Orientation Number