1: On triangulating k-outerplanar graphs
2: TSP Tours in Cubic Graphs: Beyond 4/3
3: Solving 3-SAT and 3-dimensional matching in polynomial time
4: Low-Complexity Interactive Algorithms for Synchronization from Deletions, Insertions, and Substitutions
5: Finding Dominators via Disjoint Set Union
6: The Firefighter Problem: A Structural Analysis
7: Irrelevant Vertices for the Planar Disjoint Paths Problem
8: Improved approximation algorithm for k-level UFL with penalties, a simplistic view on randomizing the scaling parameter
9: Approximability of Connected Factors
10: Fixed Parameter Inapproximability for Clique and SetCover in Time Super-exponential in OPT
11: Testing Graph Isotopy on Surfaces
12: Efficient Algorithms for Computing Rational First Integrals and Darboux Polynomials of Planar Polynomial Vector Fields
13: Half-integrality, LP-branching and FPT Algorithms
14: Towards (1+\epsilon)-Approximate Flow Sparsifiers
15: Skew Strikes Back: New Developments in the Theory of Join Algorithms
16: Exact Algorithm for Graph Homomorphism and Locally Injective Graph Homomorphism
17: Next Generation Cluster Editing
18: Quorums Quicken Queries: Efficient Asynchronous Secure Multiparty Computation
19: Online Coordinated Charging Decision Algorithm for Electric Vehicles without Future Information
20: Scalable Verification of Markov Decision Processes
21: Evaluation of DNF Formulas