1: Quantum Algorithms for Matrix Products over Semirings
2: Quantum Algorithms for Finding Constant-sized Sub-hypergraphs
3: Extending Common Intervals Searching from Permutations to Sequences
4: An FCA-based Boolean Matrix Factorisation for Collaborative Filtering
5: Submodular Stochastic Probing on Matroids
6: A Dynamic Programming Solution to the Monotonic Path of Minimal Cost in a 3-Rows Matrix
7: Proceedings Ninth International Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing
8: Scalable Boolean Tensor Factorizations using Random Walks
9: Robust Leader Election in a Fast-Changing World
10: Compressed Vertical Partitioning for Full-In-Memory RDF Management
11: Covering Pairs in Directed Acyclic Graphs
12: Balanced Allocations: A Simple Proof for the Heavily Loaded Case
13: Distributed Computation of Sparse Cuts
14: Spider covers for prize-collecting network activation problem
15: Parameterized Algorithms for Finding Square Roots