1: Bi-Criteria and Approximation Algorithms for Restricted Matchings
2: A Continuous Refinement Strategy for the Multilevel Computation of Vertex Separators
3: The Simplex Algorithm is NP-mighty
4: Robust Cosparse Greedy Signal Reconstruction for Compressive Sensing with Multiplicative and Additive Noise
5: Approximation Algorithms for Regret-Bounded Vehicle Routing and Applications to Distance-Constrained Vehicle Routing
6: A New Algorithm for Updating and Querying Sub-arrays of Multidimensional Arrays
7: An energy function and its application to the periodic behavior of k-reversible processes
8: Approximating Hereditary Discrepancy via Small Width Ellipsoids
9: Distributed Algorithms for Large-Scale Graphs
10: Internal Pattern Matching Queries in a Text and Applications
11: ReputationPro: The Efficient Approaches to Contextual Transaction Trust Computation in E-Commerce Environments
12: Improved approximation algorithm for Fault-Tolerant Facility Placement
13: Near-Optimal and Robust Mechanism Design for Covering Problems with Correlated Players
14: A UML-based Approach to Design Parallel and Distributed Applications
15: Efficient deterministic approximate counting for low-degree polynomial threshold functions
16: Theories of Hypergraph-Graph (HG(2)) Data Structure
17: Integrating RDF into Hypergraph-Graph (HG(2)) Data Structure