
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2013/12/22-28

1: Exact Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set
2: Incremental Network Design with Maximum Flows
3: Cardinality Maximum Flow Network Interdiction Problem Vs. The Clique Problem
4: The Lasserre Hierarchy in Almost Diagonal Form
5: Bi-Factor Approximation Algorithms for Hard Capacitated $k$-Median Problems
6: Explicit linear kernels via dynamic programming
7: Rounding Sum-of-Squares Relaxations
8: Path Finding I :Solving Linear Programs with ~O(sqrt(rank)) Linear System Solves
9: Faster all-pairs shortest paths via circuit complexity
10: Path Finding II : An ~O(m sqrt(n)) Algorithm for the Minimum Cost Flow Problem
11: Local algorithms for interactive clustering
12: A Fast Greedy Algorithm for Generalized Column Subset Selection
13: Greedy Column Subset Selection for Large-scale Data Sets
14: On the Parameterized Complexity of Computing Balanced Partitions in Graphs
15: Approximating Quadratic 0-1 Programming via SOCP
16: Proceedings 2nd Workshop on GRAPH Inspection and Traversal Engineering
17: Distributed and Parallel Algorithms for Set Cover Problems with Small Neighborhood Covers
18: Minimum Dominating Set for a Point Set in $\IR^2$
19: Online Steiner Tree with Deletions
20: Algorithmic Perspectives of Network Transitive Reduction Problems and their Applications to Synthesis and Analysis of Biological Networks