
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2014/4/15-21

1: Constant-factor approximations for Capacitated Arc Routing without triangle inequality
2: Changing Bases: Multistage Optimization for Matroids and Matchings
3: Shortest reconfiguration paths in the solution space of Boolean formulas
4: Boltzmann samplers for random generation of lambda terms
5: Algorithms parameterized by vertex cover and modular width, through potential maximal cliques
6: A simple SVD algorithm for finding hidden partitions
7: On the Error Resilience of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams
8: Model Checking Existential Logic on Partially Ordered Sets
9: Colorful bin packing
10: Covering problems in edge- and node-weighted graphs
11: Improved Analysis of Deterministic Load-Balancing Schemes
12: PReaCH: A Fast Lightweight Reachability Index using Pruning and Contraction Hierarchies
13: A Simple $O(\log\log(\mathrm{rank}))$-Competitive Algorithm for the Matroid Secretary Problem
14: On the Tree Search Problem with Non-uniform Costs
15: Deterministic Truncation of Linear Matroids
16: An All-Around Near-Optimal Solution for the Classic Bin Packing Problem
17: Approximation Algorithms for Hypergraph Small Set Expansion and Small Set Vertex Expansion
18: Approximation for the Path Complexity of Binary Search Tree
19: Consistent Subset Sampling
20: Triangle counting in dynamic graph streams
21: Tight Bounds on $\ell_1$ Approximation and Learning of Self-Bounding Functions
22: Decoding binary node labels from censored edge measurements: Phase transition and efficient recovery
23: Scheduling over Scenarios on Two Machines
24: On Characterizing the Data Movement Complexity of Computational DAGs for Parallel Execution
25: Parallel Graph Partitioning for Complex Networks
26: Reusing an FM-index
27: Kinetic Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations under Polygonal Distance Functions
28: (Semi-)External Algorithms for Graph Partitioning and Clustering
29: A matheuristic approach for the Pollution-Routing Problem
30: Document Retrieval on Repetitive Collections
31: Improved ESP-index: a practical self-index for highly repetitive texts
32: Dynamic and Multi-functional Labeling Schemes
33: Tight bounds for learning a mixture of two gaussians
34: A Geometric Distance Oracle for Large Real-World Graphs
35: The Power of an Example: Hidden Set Size Approximation Using Group Queries and Conditional Sampling