1: Sum-of-squares proofs and the quest toward optimal algorithms
2: $\mathrm{Pal}^k$ Is Linear Recognizable Online
3: New Techniques and Tighter Bounds for Local Computation Algorithms
4: A Note on NP-Hardness of Preemptive Mean Flow-Time Scheduling for Parallel Machines
5: Sequential Resource Allocation with Positional Costs
6: A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Minimax-Regret Evacuation on a Dynamic Path
7: Combining pattern-based CRFs and weighted context-free grammars
8: Toward Online Mobile Facility Location on General Metrics
9: Vertex Cover Gets Faster and Harder on Low Degree Graphs
10: $L_p$-Testers for Bounded Derivative Properties on Product Distributions
11: Online Colored Bin Packing
12: Online Bin Stretching with Three Bins
13: Fast Algorithms for Constructing Maximum Entropy Summary Trees
14: Forward - Backward Greedy Algorithms for Atomic Norm Regularization
15: Certificates in Data Structures
16: Straightening out planar poly-line drawings
17: Linear Time LexDFS on Cocomparability Graphs
18: Buying Private Data without Verification
19: Deepening the Relationship between SEFE and C-Planarity
20: CoRE Kernels
21: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Earth-Mover Distance in Data Streams
22: A Hybrid Graph Representation for Exact Graph Algorithms
23: On an Algorithm for Isomorphism-Free Generations of Combinatorial Objects
24: Total stretch minimization on single and identical parallel machines
25: A Decomposition Algorithm for Nested Resource Allocation Problems
26: Approximately Minwise Independence with Twisted Tabulation
27: Multiplicative Bidding in Online Advertising
28: Semi-Streaming Set Cover
29: Bypassing Erd\H{o}s’ Girth Conjecture: Hybrid Stretch and Sourcewise Spanners
30: Precedence-constrained Scheduling of Malleable Jobs with Preemption
31: Analysis of d-Hop Dominating Set Problem for Directed Graph with Indegree Bounded by One
32: Parameterized Complexity Dichotomy for Steiner Multicut