
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2014/5/22-28

1: The LevelArray: A Fast, Practical Long-Lived Renaming Algorithm
2: Multiple pattern matching revisited
3: Minimum Information Dominating Set for Opinion Sampling
4: Hyper-Minimization for Deterministic Weighted Tree Automata
5: Improved Algorithms for Multiple Sink Location Problems in Dynamic Path Networks
6: Mathematical Programming Strategies for Solving the Minimum Common String Partition Problem
7: Twenty-Five Comparators is Optimal when Sorting Nine Inputs (and Twenty-Nine for Ten)
8: Asymmetric LSH (ALSH) for Sublinear Time Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS)
9: Compressive Mining: Fast and Optimal Data Mining in the Compressed Domain
10: Two simple full-text indexes based on the suffix array
11: Solving Multi-choice Secretary Problem in Parallel: An Optimal Observation-Selection Protocol
12: Stable, Robust and Super Fast Reconstruction of Tensors Using Multi-Way Projections
13: A more efficient way of finding Hamiltonian cycle
14: Subset-lex: did we miss an order?
15: Optimal Algorithms for $L_1$-subspace Signal Processing
16: Agnostic Learning of Disjunctions on Symmetric Distributions
17: On the growth rate of 1324-avoiding permutations
18: Exact Algorithms for 0-1 Integer Programs with Linear Equality Constraints
19: Disk-based genome sequencing data compression
20: On the Relation Between the Randomized Extended Kaczmarz Algorithm and Coordinate Descent
21: Fast, Responsive Decentralised Graph Colouring
22: Optimal query complexity for estimating the trace of a matrix
23: The PeerRank Method for Peer Assessment
24: Analyzing Traffic Problem Model With Graph Theory Algorithms