1: Team Selection For Prediction Tasks
2: The “Runs” Theorem
3: Fast construction of FM-index for long sequence reads
4: Dijkstra meets Steiner: a fast exact goal-oriented Steiner tree algorithm
5: Welfare and Revenue Guarantees for Competitive Bundling Equilibrium
6: Navigating in a sea of repeats in RNA-seq without drowning
7: How inefficient can a sort algorithm be?
8: Kernelization lower bound for Permutation Pattern Matching
9: Distributed Approximation of Minimum Routing Cost Trees
10: Peeling potatoes near-optimally in near-linear time
11: Approximation Algorithms for Model-Based Compressive Sensing
12: Modified Binary Search Algorithm
13: ARC Sort: Enhanced and Time Efficient Sorting Algorithm
14: Median Filtering is Equivalent to Sorting
15: A Generic Numbering System based on Catalan Families of Combinatorial Objects