
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2014/6/08-14

1: Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-weighted Networks
2: Optimizing Budget Allocation in Graphs
3: Euclidean TSP with few inner points in linear space
4: A Fast, Minimal Memory, Consistent Hash Algorithm
5: Approximating Nash Equilibria and Dense Subgraphs via an Approximate Version of Carath'{e}odory’s Theorem
6: Sampling the suffix array with minimizers
7: Fast Matrix Multiplication with Sketching
8: Structural Sparsity of Complex Networks: Bounded Expansion in Random Models and Real-World Graphs
9: A practical heuristic for finding graph minors
10: Rendezvous of Distance-aware Mobile Agents in Unknown Graphs
11: An Improved Approximation for $k$-median, and Positive Correlation in Budgeted Optimization
12: Multilevel polynomial partitions and simplified range searching
13: A note on the largest number of red nodes in red-black trees
14: Guarantees and Limits of Preprocessing in Constraint Satisfaction and Reasoning
15: Compact Indexes for Flexible Top-k Retrieval
16: On the Complexity of List Ranking in the Parallel External Memory Model
17: Three Datatype Defining Rewrite Systems for Datatypes of Integers each extending a Datatype of Naturals
18: An error correcting parser for context free grammars that takes less than cubic time
19: Space Saving by Dynamic Algebraization
20: Limits of CSP Problems and Efficient Parameter Testing
21: Trading off Worst and Expected Cost in Decision Tree Problems and a Value Dependent Model
22: Max-min Fair Rate Allocation and Routing in Energy Harvesting Networks: Algorithmic Analysis