
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2014/6/15-21

1: Hadwiger number of graphs with small chordality
2: Counting perfect matchings in graphs that exclude a single-crossing minor
3: A Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality
4: Uniform multicommodity flow in the hypercube with random edge capacities
5: An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Hard Uniform Capacitated k-median Problem
6: An algorithm for Boolean satisfiability based on generalized orthonormal expansion
7: Graph Isomorphism Parameterized by Elimination Distance to Bounded Degree
8: Improved Densification of One Permutation Hashing
9: A tight bound on the speed-up through storage for quickest multi-commodity flows
10: Low-Autocorrelation Binary Sequences: On Improved Merit Factors and Runtime Predictions to Achieve Them
11: The tropical shadow-vertex algorithm solves mean payoff games in polynomial time on average
12: Average-Case Optimal Approximate Circular String Matching
13: Modeling and Measuring Graph Similarity: The Case for Centrality Distance
14: Transpose-free Fast Fourier Transform for Turbulence Simulation